


I’d like to know how the following pieces of a javascript environment interconnect as a system.

  • JavaScript引擎
  • 事件循环
  • 事件队列


We can limit this to a browser environment since node has been covered in another article (here)

  • Javascript是单线程的,因此只有一个调用堆栈.

  • Javascript is single threaded and therefore only has one callstack.


Javascript environments provide only a few functions that are truly asynchronous. These may include setTimeout(), setInterval(), and I/O function(s).

      console.log(‘Sync code started…’);

      setTimeout(function asyncLog() {
           console.log(‘Async function has completed’)
      }, 2000);

      console.log(‘Sync code finished…')




( Please correct steps if I’m wrong )

  1. 同步代码已开始..."已记录
  2. setTimeout已添加到堆栈中,但立即返回控件
  3. setTimeout是否发送到其他线程"…工人"?在javascript的单线程之外,以计算2000毫秒
  4. 同步代码已完成..."已记录
  5. 在2000毫秒后,asyncLog()被推送到事件队列
  6. 因为清除了调用堆栈,所以事件循环会检查事件队列中是否有待处理的回调
  7. asyncLog()从队列中删除,并由事件循环推入堆栈
  8. 已记录异步功能已完成"
  9. 呼叫堆栈现在很清楚




These don’t need to be answered one by one if someone could produce an overview of the steps of how and where async functions (such as setTimeout) go from the time they first hit the callstack to when they are called back to the callstack.

  1. 在第3步中,谁产生了这个新线程?是浏览器吗?
    • 这个新线程被正确阻止了吗?
    • 如果您的循环创建了1000个setTimeouts,会发生什么情况.是否创建了1000个线程"?
    • 一次可以产生多少个线程是否有限制?
    • 新线程完成执行后,如何终止在队列中?
  1. On step 3, who produces this new thread? Is it the browser?
    • This new thread is being blocked correct?
    • What happens if you have a loop that creates 1000 setTimeouts. Are 1000 ‘threads’ created?
    • Is there a limit to how many threads can be spawned at a time?
    • When new thread finishes executing, how does it end up on the queue?
  • 事件循环是否轮询事件队列?
  • JavaScript的线程是否知道事件循环?还是事件循环只是将事物压入堆栈?
  • 事件循环如何知道何时清除堆栈?



Your understanding and your example seem to be basically correct. Now, to your questions:

是的.基本上是为那些真正异步"功能提供实现的东西. IIRC,setTimeout是直接在JS引擎中实现的,而联网IO绝对是浏览器的责任-但创建它们的人并不重要.最后,在浏览器环境"中,它始终是浏览器的一部分.

Yes. It is basically the thing that supplies the implementation for those "truly asynchronous" functions. IIRC, setTimeout is implemented in JS engines directly, while networking IO would be definitely the browser's responsibility - but it doesn't really matter who creates them. In the end, in your "browser environment" it's always some part of the browser.


Yes. No. It depends on the work that needs to be done, i.e. which async function you called. Some may require spinning of a new thread, but for simple timeouts I'm pretty sure that a non-blocking system call is used.


Possible. Unlikely, though. I'd assume for those async actions that really require their own thread, a thread pool is used, and requests are queued. The size of this pool might be hidden in the bowels of your browser's configuration.



Basically, the last action of each such thread is to put its result in the event queue.


I'd say that's an implementation detail, whether the loop polls the queue or the queue drives the loop iterations.


I'd say that the javascript runs in the event loop thread. The event loop just repeatedly pops events from the queue and executes their javascript.

事件循环调用 javascript执行-因此,当javascript返回时,堆栈是透明的.

The event loop calls the javascript execution - so the stack is clear when the javascript returns.


07-29 16:33