


I've been getting more into the internals of the node.js architecture, and a term I see coming up a lot is "tick" as in "next tick of the event loop" or the function nextTick().


What I haven't seen is a solid definition of what exactly a "tick" is. Based on various articles (such as this one), I've been able to piece a concept together in my head, but I'm not sure how accurate it is.


Can I get a precise and detailed description of a node.js event loop tick?


请记住,虽然JavaScript是单线程的,但所有节点的I / O和对本机API的调用都是异步的(使用特定于平台的机制),或者在单独的线程上运行。 (这都是通过libuv处理的。)

Remember that while JavaScript is single-threaded, all of node's I/O and calls to native APIs are either asynchronous (using platform-specific mechanisms), or run on a separate thread. (This is all handled through libuv.)


So when there's data available on a socket or a native API function has returned, we need a synchronized way to invoke the JavaScript function that is interested in the particular event that just happened.


It's not safe to just call the JS function from the thread where the native event happened for the same reasons that you'd encounter in a regular multi-threaded application – race conditions, non-atomic memory access, and so forth.


So what we do is place the event on a queue in a thread-safe manner. In oversimplified psuedocode, something like:

lock (queue) {

然后,返回主JavaScript 线程(但在C方面,我们做了类似的事情:

Then, back on the main JavaScript thread (but on the C side of things), we do something like:

while (true) {
    // this is the beginning of a tick

    lock (queue) {
        var tickEvents = copy(queue); // copy the current queue items into thread-local memory
        queue.empty(); // ..and empty out the shared queue

    for (var i = 0; i < tickEvents.length; i++) {

    // this the end of the tick

while(true)(节点的源代码中实际上不存在;这纯粹是说明性的)代表事件循环。 的内部为队列中的每个事件调用JS函数。

The while (true) (which doesn't actually exist in node's source code; this is purely illustrative) represents the event loop. The inner for invokes the JS function for each event that was on the queue.


This is a tick: the synchronous invocation of zero or more callback functions associated with any external events. Once the queue is emptied out and the last function returns, the tick is over. We go back to the beginning (the next tick) and check for events that were added to the queue from other threads while our JavaScript was running.


  • process.nextTick

  • setTimeout / setInterval

  • I / O(来自 fs net 等等)

  • crypto 处理器密集型函数,如加密流,pbkdf2和PRNG(实际上是......的一个例子)

  • 使用进行同步C / C ++库调用的任何本机模块看起来异步

  • process.nextTick
  • setTimeout/setInterval
  • I/O (stuff from fs, net, and so forth)
  • crypto's processor-intensive functions like crypto streams, pbkdf2, and the PRNG (which are actually an example of...)
  • any native modules that use the libuv work queue to make synchronous C/C++ library calls look asynchronous


09-05 11:17