Question 1: I have the following assembler code, whose purpose is to loop through an input string, and count the number of escape characters '%' it encounters:
.globl sprinter
.escape_string: .string "%"
.num_escape: .long 0
.num_characters: .long 0
pushl %ebp
movl %esp,%ebp
movl 8(%ebp),%ecx # %ecx = parameter 1
cmpb $0, (%ecx) # if end of string reached
jz exit
cmpl $.escape_string,(%ecx) # if escape character found
je increment
incl .num_characters
incl %ecx
jmp loop
incl .num_escape
jmp back # jump to 'back'
movl .num_escape, %eax # return num_escape
popl %ebp
This assembly code is compiled together with the following C code:
#include <stdio.h>
extern int sprinter (char* string);
int main (void)
int n = sprinter("a %d string of some %s fashion!");
printf("value: %d",n);
return 0;
运行此代码的预期输出为 value:2
(因为字符串中有两个'%'字符),但是它返回 value:0
The expected output from running this code is value: 2
(because there are two '%' characters in the string), but it returns value: 0
, meaning the following line fails (because it never increments the counter):
cmpl $.escape_string,(%ecx) # if escape character found
Am I using the wrong method of comparing for the string? The outer loop works fine, and .num_characters correctly contains the number of characters in my string. I generated some assembly code for a simple C-program that compared a string "hello" to "hello2", and this is the relevant code:
.string "hello"
.string "hello2"
movl $.LC0, -4(%ebp)
cmpl $.LC1, -4(%ebp)
It looks very similar to what I tried, no?
问题2 .该代码是用汇编语言编写的简化sprintf函数的一部分.这意味着第一个参数应该是结果字符串,第二个参数是格式.如何将一个字节字符从一个寄存器中的当前位置复制到另一个寄存器中的当前位置?假设我们已将参数分配到两个寄存器中:
Question 2. This code is part of what is going to be a simplified sprintf-function written in assembly. This means the first parameter should be the result string, and the second parameter is the formatting. How do I copy a byte character from our current position in one register to our current position in another register? Let's assume we've assigned our parameters into two registers:
movl 8(%ebp),%edx # %edx = result-string
movl 12(%ebp),%ecx # %ecx = format-string
I tried the following in the loop:
movb (%ecx), %al
movb %al, (%edx) # copy current character to current position in result register
incl %ecx
incl %edx
但是结果字符串仅包含 a
But the result string just contains a
(the first character in my string), and not the full string as I expected.
All help appreciated because this comparison problem (question 1) is currently keeping me stuck.
关于问题1,看来您正在比较单字节字符,因此在检查转义字符时,"cmpl"应为"cmpb".您还需要将您的角色加载到寄存器中.我对AT& T组装不是很熟悉,所以我希望这是正确的.
In regards to question 1, it appears that you are comparing single byte chars so 'cmpl' should be 'cmpb' when checking for the escape character. You will also need to load your character into a register. I'm not really familiar with AT&T assembly, so I hope this is correct.
movb .escape_string, %al
cmpb %al, %(ecx)
这篇关于在AT& T x86程序集中查找转义字符的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!