In MS-Access, how can I store the rows retrieved from my SELECT statement in an array, and show many rows in one messagebox:
Dim rSEL, rSUM, rDes As DAO.Recordset
Dim vItem_id, vQnty, vSum As Integer
Dim vDes As String
If Not IsNull(itemId) And Not IsNull(qnty_in) Then
If qnty_in <= 0 Or qnty_in > balance Or IsNull(balance) Then
Cancel = True
End If
Set rSEL = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("SELECT item_id,item_qnty
FROM basketQnty_tbl WHERE basket_id=" & basketId)
'Check to see if the recordset actually contains rows
If Not (rSEL.EOF And rSEL.BOF) Then
Do Until rSEL.EOF
'Save itemId into a variable
vItem_id = rSEL!item_id
vQnty = (rSEL!item_qnty) * qnty_in
Set rSUM = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("SELECT sum(qnty_in*qnty_type)
as QN FROM sales_tbl WHERE itemid=" & vItem_id)
Set rDes = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("SELECT itemDesc
FROM items_main WHERE itemId=" & vItem_id)
vSum = rSUM!QN
vDes = rDes!itemDesc
'Move to the next record. Don't ever forget to do this.
If vQnty > vSum Then
MsgBox "you have only (" & vSum & " ) of Item (" & vDes & " ) in the stock"
Cancel = True
End If
End If
End If
I would not use a Message Box for this, since you could potentially have hundreds of rows, and they wouldn't all fit. Instead, I would create a custom form with a ListBox, and whenever you get the error, do the following:
If vQnty > vSum Then
<ErrorForm>.<ListBox>.AddItem("You have only (" & vSum & " ) of Item (" & vDes & " ) in the stock")
Cancel = True
End If
If at the end of the loop, Cancel = True, display ErrorForm.
Another thing - you may be able to create a query which does all this in one go. You need to join the three tables, and add the vQnty > vSum condition. This would be pretty neat, because you could use the query as the source of the ListBox - no code required.