请帮助:如何在Excel VBA代码编辑器中打开行号?我正在使用Excel 2013版本.
Please kindly help: how do I turn on the line numbers in Excel VBA code editor? I am using Excel 2013 version.
这是我的代码,用于在VBE IDE中添加行号.它提供了此处,由Excel MVP mikerickson提供.我已经做了这个工作,因为在极少数情况下,我已经遇到过,例如当代码中有.ReplaceLine方法时,VBE无法进入调试模式.确实,一旦执行后就无法进入调试模式,因此Erl可能对调试很有用(而不是Debug.Print).我添加了一些功能,例如:
Here is my code to add line numbers in the VBE IDE. It is an improvement of the solution provided here by Excel MVP mikerickson. I have worked on this, because in some rare cases I have already met, VBE can't enter in debug mode, for example when you have a .ReplaceLine method in your code. Indeed, you can't enter in debug mode once it has been executed, so Erl might be usefully for debug (instead of Debug.Print). I have added several feature such as:
Public Enum vbLineNumbers_LabelTypes
vbLabelColon ' 0
vbLabelTab ' 1
End Enum
Public Enum vbLineNumbers_ScopeToAddLineNumbersTo
vbScopeAllProc ' 1
vbScopeThisProc ' 2
End Enum
Sub AddLineNumbers(ByVal wbName As String, _
ByVal vbCompName As String, _
ByVal LabelType As vbLineNumbers_LabelTypes, _
ByVal AddLineNumbersToEmptyLines As Boolean, _
ByVal AddLineNumbersToEndOfProc As Boolean, _
ByVal Scope As vbLineNumbers_ScopeToAddLineNumbersTo, _
Optional ByVal thisProcName As String)
Dim i As Long
Dim j As Long
Dim procName As String
Dim startOfProcedure As Long
Dim lengthOfProcedure As Long
Dim endOfProcedure As Long
Dim strLine As String
With Workbooks(wbName).VBProject.VBComponents(vbCompName).CodeModule
.CodePane.Window.Visible = False
If Scope = vbScopeAllProc Then
For i = 1 To .CountOfLines
strLine = .Lines(i, 1)
procName = .ProcOfLine(i, vbext_pk_Proc) ' Type d'argument ByRef incompatible ~~> Requires VBIDE library as a Reference for the VBA Project
If procName <> vbNullString Then
startOfProcedure = .ProcStartLine(procName, vbext_pk_Proc)
bodyOfProcedure = .ProcBodyLine(procName, vbext_pk_Proc)
countOfProcedure = .ProcCountLines(procName, vbext_pk_Proc)
prelinesOfProcedure = bodyOfProcedure - startOfProcedure
'postlineOfProcedure = ??? not directly available since endOfProcedure is itself not directly available.
lengthOfProcedure = countOfProcedure - prelinesOfProcedure ' includes postlinesOfProcedure !
'endOfProcedure = ??? not directly available, each line of the proc must be tested until the End statement is reached. See below.
If endOfProcedure <> 0 And startOfProcedure < endOfProcedure And i > endOfProcedure Then
GoTo NextLine
End If
If i = bodyOfProcedure Then InProcBodyLines = True
If bodyOfProcedure < i And i < startOfProcedure + countOfProcedure Then
If Not (.Lines(i - 1, 1) Like "* _") Then
InProcBodyLines = False
PreviousIndentAdded = 0
If Trim(strLine) = "" And Not AddLineNumbersToEmptyLines Then GoTo NextLine
If IsProcEndLine(wbName, vbCompName, i) Then
endOfProcedure = i
If AddLineNumbersToEndOfProc Then
Call IndentProcBodyLinesAsProcEndLine(wbName, vbCompName, LabelType, endOfProcedure)
GoTo NextLine
End If
End If
If LabelType = vbLabelColon Then
If HasLabel(strLine, vbLabelColon) Then strLine = RemoveOneLineNumber(.Lines(i, 1), vbLabelColon)
If Not HasLabel(strLine, vbLabelColon) Then
temp_strLine = strLine
.ReplaceLine i, CStr(i) & ":" & strLine
new_strLine = .Lines(i, 1)
If Len(new_strLine) = Len(CStr(i) & ":" & temp_strLine) Then
PreviousIndentAdded = Len(CStr(i) & ":")
PreviousIndentAdded = Len(CStr(i) & ": ")
End If
End If
ElseIf LabelType = vbLabelTab Then
If Not HasLabel(strLine, vbLabelTab) Then strLine = RemoveOneLineNumber(.Lines(i, 1), vbLabelTab)
If Not HasLabel(strLine, vbLabelColon) Then
temp_strLine = strLine
.ReplaceLine i, CStr(i) & vbTab & strLine
PreviousIndentAdded = Len(strLine) - Len(temp_strLine)
End If
End If
If Not InProcBodyLines Then
If LabelType = vbLabelColon Then
.ReplaceLine i, Space(PreviousIndentAdded) & strLine
ElseIf LabelType = vbLabelTab Then
.ReplaceLine i, Space(4) & strLine
End If
End If
End If
End If
End If
Next i
ElseIf AddLineNumbersToEmptyLines And Scope = vbScopeThisProc Then
End If
.CodePane.Window.Visible = True
End With
End Sub
Function IsProcEndLine(ByVal wbName As String, _
ByVal vbCompName As String, _
ByVal Line As Long) As Boolean
With Workbooks(wbName).VBProject.VBComponents(vbCompName).CodeModule
If Trim(.Lines(Line, 1)) Like "End Sub*" _
Or Trim(.Lines(Line, 1)) Like "End Function*" _
Or Trim(.Lines(Line, 1)) Like "End Property*" _
Then IsProcEndLine = True
End With
End Function
Sub IndentProcBodyLinesAsProcEndLine(ByVal wbName As String, ByVal vbCompName As String, ByVal LabelType As vbLineNumbers_LabelTypes, ByVal ProcEndLine As Long)
Dim procName As String
Dim startOfProcedure As Long
Dim endOfProcedure As Long
With Workbooks(wbName).VBProject.VBComponents(vbCompName).CodeModule
procName = .ProcOfLine(ProcEndLine, vbext_pk_Proc)
bodyOfProcedure = .ProcBodyLine(procName, vbext_pk_Proc)
endOfProcedure = ProcEndLine
strEnd = .Lines(endOfProcedure, 1)
j = bodyOfProcedure
Do Until Not .Lines(j - 1, 1) Like "* _" And j <> bodyOfProcedure
strLine = .Lines(j, 1)
If LabelType = vbLabelColon Then
If Mid(strEnd, Len(CStr(endOfProcedure)) + 1 + 1 + 1, 1) = " " Then
.ReplaceLine j, Space(Len(CStr(endOfProcedure)) + 1) & strLine
.ReplaceLine j, Space(Len(CStr(endOfProcedure)) + 2) & strLine
End If
ElseIf LabelType = vbLabelTab Then
If endOfProcedure < 1000 Then
.ReplaceLine j, Space(4) & strLine
Debug.Print "This tool is limited to 999 lines of code to work properly."
End If
End If
j = j + 1
End With
End Sub
Sub RemoveLineNumbers(ByVal wbName As String, ByVal vbCompName As String, ByVal LabelType As vbLineNumbers_LabelTypes)
Dim i As Long
With Workbooks(wbName).VBProject.VBComponents(vbCompName).CodeModule
For i = 1 To .CountOfLines
procName = .ProcOfLine(i, vbext_pk_Proc)
If procName <> vbNullString Then
If i = .ProcBodyLine(procName, vbext_pk_Proc) Then InProcBodyLines = True
LenghtBefore = Len(.Lines(i, 1))
If Not .Lines(i - 1, 1) Like "* _" Then
InProcBodyLines = False
.ReplaceLine i, RemoveOneLineNumber(.Lines(i, 1), LabelType)
If IsInProcBodyLines Then
' do nothing
.ReplaceLine i, Mid(.Lines(i, 1), RemovedChars_previous_i + 1)
End If
End If
LenghtAfter = Len(.Lines(i, 1))
LengthBefore_previous_i = LenghtBefore
LenghtAfter_previous_i = LenghtAfter
RemovedChars_previous_i = LengthBefore_previous_i - LenghtAfter_previous_i
If Trim(.Lines(i, 1)) Like "End Sub*" Or Trim(.Lines(i, 1)) Like "End Function" Or Trim(.Lines(i, 1)) Like "End Property" Then
LenOfRemovedLeadingCharacters = LenghtBefore - LenghtAfter
procName = .ProcOfLine(i, vbext_pk_Proc)
bodyOfProcedure = .ProcBodyLine(procName, vbext_pk_Proc)
j = bodyOfProcedure
strLineBodyOfProc = .Lines(bodyOfProcedure, 1)
Do Until Not strLineBodyOfProc Like "* _"
j = j + 1
strLineBodyOfProc = .Lines(j, 1)
LastLineBodyOfProc = j
strLastLineBodyOfProc = strLineBodyOfProc
strLineEndOfProc = .Lines(i, 1)
For k = bodyOfProcedure To j
.ReplaceLine k, Mid(.Lines(k, 1), 1 + LenOfRemovedLeadingCharacters)
Next k
i = i + (j - bodyOfProcedure)
GoTo NextLine
End If
' GoTo NextLine
End If
Next i
End With
End Sub
Function RemoveOneLineNumber(ByVal aString As String, ByVal LabelType As vbLineNumbers_LabelTypes)
RemoveOneLineNumber = aString
If LabelType = vbLabelColon Then
If aString Like "#:*" Or aString Like "##:*" Or aString Like "###:*" Then
RemoveOneLineNumber = Mid(aString, 1 + InStr(1, aString, ":", vbTextCompare))
If Left(RemoveOneLineNumber, 2) Like " [! ]*" Then RemoveOneLineNumber = Mid(RemoveOneLineNumber, 2)
End If
ElseIf LabelType = vbLabelTab Then
If aString Like "# *" Or aString Like "## *" Or aString Like "### *" Then RemoveOneLineNumber = Mid(aString, 5)
If aString Like "#" Or aString Like "##" Or aString Like "###" Then RemoveOneLineNumber = ""
End If
End Function
Function HasLabel(ByVal aString As String, ByVal LabelType As vbLineNumbers_LabelTypes) As Boolean
If LabelType = vbLabelColon Then HasLabel = InStr(1, aString & ":", ":") < InStr(1, aString & " ", " ")
If LabelType = vbLabelTab Then
HasLabel = Mid(aString, 1, 4) Like "# " Or Mid(aString, 1, 4) Like "## " Or Mid(aString, 1, 4) Like "### "
End If
End Function
Function RemoveLeadingSpaces(ByVal aString As String) As String
Do Until Left(aString, 1) <> " "
aString = Mid(aString, 2)
RemoveLeadingSpaces = aString
End Function
Function WhatIsLineIndent(ByVal aString As String) As String
i = 1
Do Until Mid(aString, i, 1) <> " "
i = i + 1
WhatIsLineIndent = i
End Function
Function HowManyLeadingSpaces(ByVal aString As String) As String
HowManyLeadingSpaces = WhatIsLineIndent(aString) - 1
End Function
You can make calls like this :
Sub AddLineNumbers_vbLabelColon()
AddLineNumbers wbName:="EvaluateCall.xlsm", vbCompName:="ModLineNumbers_testDest", LabelType:=vbLabelColon, AddLineNumbersToEmptyLines:=True, AddLineNumbersToEndOfProc:=True, Scope:=vbScopeAllProc
End Sub
Sub AddLineNumbers_vbLabelTab()
AddLineNumbers wbName:="EvaluateCall.xlsm", vbCompName:="ModLineNumbers_testDest", LabelType:=vbLabelTab, AddLineNumbersToEmptyLines:=True, AddLineNumbersToEndOfProc:=True, Scope:=vbScopeAllProc
End Sub
Sub RemoveLineNumbers_vbLabelColon()
RemoveLineNumbers wbName:="EvaluateCall.xlsm", vbCompName:="ModLineNumbers_testDest", LabelType:=vbLabelColon
End Sub
Sub RemoveLineNumbers_vbLabelTab()
RemoveLineNumbers wbName:="EvaluateCall.xlsm", vbCompName:="ModLineNumbers_testDest", LabelType:=vbLabelTab
End Sub
And as a reminder, here as some compile rules about about line numbers:
- 在Sub/Function声明语句之前不允许
- 不允许在proc之外
- 不允许在行连续字符"_"(下划线)之后的行
- 每条代码行不允许有多个标签/行号~~>必须测试行号以外的现有标签,否则尝试强制行号会发生编译错误.
- 不允许使用已经具有特殊VBA含义的字符~~>允许使用的字符包括[aZ],[0-9],é,è,ô,ù,€,£,§甚至是:" !
- 编译器会在标签之前修剪所有空格~~>因此,如果有标签,则该行的第一个字符为标签的第一个字符,不能为空格.
- 在行号后加上冒号将导致在:"和第一个下一个字符之间插入空格(如果没有)
- 当在行号后加上制表符/空格时,最后一位和下一个第一个字符之间必须至少有一个空格,编译器不会像使用冒号分隔符的标签那样添加空格
- .ReplaceLine方法将覆盖编译规则,而不显示选择新行或手动重新启动编译时在设计模式下所做的任何编译错误
- 编译器比VBA环境/系统快":例如,在使用.ReplaceLine插入带有冒号且没有任何空格的行号之后,如果调用了.Lines属性以获取新字符串,空格(冒号和字符串的第一个字符之间)已经附加在该字符串中!
- (在正在编辑的模块内部或外部)调用.ReplaceLine之后,直到代码运行并重置执行后,才能进入调试模式.
- not allowed before a Sub/Function declaration statement
- not allowed outside of a proc
- not allowed on a line following a line continuation character "_" (underscore)
- not allowed to have more than one label/line number per code line ~~> Existing labels other than line numbers must be tested otherwise a compile error will occur trying to force a line number.
- not allowed to use characters that already have a special VBA meaning ~~> Allowed characters are [a-Z], [0-9], é, è, ô, ù, €, £, § and even ":" alone !
- compiler will trim any space before a label ~~> So if there is a label, the first char of the line is the first char of the label, it cannot be a space.
- appending a line number with a colon will result in having a space inserted between the ":" and the fist next char if there is none
- when appending a line number with a tab/space, there must be at least one space between the last digit and the first next char, compiler won't add it as it does for a label with a colon separator
- the .ReplaceLine method will overide the compile rules without displaying any compile error as it does in design mode when selecting a new line or when manually relaunching compilation
- the compiler is 'quicker than the VBA environment/system': for example, just after a line number with colon and without any space has been inserted with .ReplaceLine, if the .Lines property is called to get the new string, the space (between the colon character and the first character of the string) is already appended in that string !
- it is not possible to enter debug mode after a .ReplaceLine has been called (from within or outside the module it is editting), not till the code is running, and execution reset.
这篇关于Excel VBA-如何在代码编辑器中打开行号的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!