


我有一个wpf应用程序,我想将数据存储在SQL文件中. SQL文件包含一些敏感内容,为了保护其内容,我决定使用Rijndael算法对它们进行加密(因为在我阅读此算法时,它是最佳的(快速且安全)).该算法需要KEY和IV,并且您知道拥有这两个参数的每个人都可以解密我们的数据.因此,问题是:





Dear Friends:

I have a wpf application and I want to store my data in a SQL file. The SQL file has some sensitive content and in order to protect its content I have decided to enctypt them by Rijndael algorithm (because as I read this algorithm is the optimum one (fast and secure)). The algorithm needs KEY and IV and as you know everybody that has these two parameters can decrypt our data. So, the questions are:

1. How could I protect the KEY and IV? Where should I store Key and IV? If I want to store key and IV in SQL file, everybody can get them and decrypt my data. If I want to hard-code it in the software I will make a bad mistake.

2. I read that we can use combination of symetric (Rijndaehl) and asymetric(RSA) algorithm (and it seems that its function is in the web applications. Am I right?). However, I don''t have any idea how to implement it (any solution will be appriciated).

3. Now, consider that I use combination of symetric asymmertic algorithms. But, the problem has not finnished yet. because when I use asymetric algorithm to protect the key and IV of symetric algorithm, I should save public and private key in a location (forexample in sql file or in code). and the problem will be arised again. Anyone can use this saved private key and decrypt the key and Iv and at last find sql content. So, what should I do?




10-12 10:26