本文介绍了用不同的缓冲区指数的OpenGL 2.1绘图对象的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我处理用OpenGL 2.1 OBJ文件。这是OBJ规格:

I'm dealing with OBJ file with OpenGL 2.1. This is OBJ spec: http://www.martinreddy.net/gfx/3d/OBJ.specAccording to that, a face is indicated as vertex/texture/normal where vertex, texture and normal are different, this mean index of vertex, texture coordinate and normal index in each buffers are different.


Question: How can i draw an object that supply different indicate buffers for each vertex, texture and normal arrays?



Sad answer, this is not possible in OpenGL. In OpenGL (and many other such systems, especially Direct3D), a vertex is conceptually the union of all the vertex attributes, like position, normal or texture coordinates (it's unfortunate that the term vertex is often used only for the position attribute). So two vertices with the same position but different normal vectors are conceptually two different vertices.


That's the reason, why you have to use the same vertex index for all attributes. So to draw an .OBJ file with OpenGL or similar libraries, you won't get around processing the data after loading.

最简单的方法是完全删除索引,只是每个三角形角落里所有的顶点数据存储前一后,使用指数从脸部规范的阅读,因而具有 3 *˚F顶点并没有索引。然而这是相当低效的,因为你可能仍然有很多重复的顶点,即使考虑到在一个整体的所有属性。

The easiest way is to completely drop indices and just store all vertex data for each triangle corner one after the other, using the indices read from the face specification, thus having 3*F vertices and no indices. This, however is rather inefficient, since you probably still have many duplicate vertices, even if considering all attributes at a whole.


Another option is to insert the index triples (comprised of vertex, texcoord and normal index) into a hash table and map it to a combined index. Whenever the index triple already exists, you replace it by the one index in the hash table and when it doesn't exist, you add a new vertex (comprised of position, normal and texCoords) to your final rendered vertex arrays, indexing the file's vertex arrays using the index triple (and insert this new vertex array size as unique index into the hash table, of course).

这篇关于用不同的缓冲区指数的OpenGL 2.1绘图对象的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

10-28 20:42