


I have a legacy table of user information (that is still in active use) and I cannot change the structure of -

id    name       value
0     timezone   Europe/London
0     language   en
0     country    45
0     something  x
1     timezone   Europe/Paris
1     language   fr
1     country    46


timezone/language/country etc are only examples of names, they can be variable/there is no finite list other than unique on rows of that column


I need a MySQL compatible SQL query that would return -

id    timezone       language    country  something
0     Europe/London  en          45       x
1     Europe/Paris   fr          46


I've looked through various answers on stackoverflow around hacking Pivot table functionality in to MySQL, and similar but none of them seem to match this case of using variable column name alias from unique row values from a column of the same table. Although I have had little sleep so they're all starting to become a bit of a blur, apologies in advance.

我能找到的最接近的是使用准备好的语句 https://stackoverflow.com/a/986088/830171 它将首先从名称列中获取所有可能的/唯一的值,并建立一个在同一表查询上使用CASE WHEN和/或多个sub- SELECTJOIN的查询.

Closest I could find would be to use prepared statements https://stackoverflow.com/a/986088/830171 which would first get all possible/unique values from name column and build a query that uses CASE WHEN, and/or multiple sub-SELECT or JOIN on same table queries.

我可以想到的替代方法是获取该用户ID的所有行,并在应用程序本身中以for循环的方式处理它们,或尝试将名称限制为有限的数量并使用sub- SELECT /JOIN s.但是,如果添加了新名称,那么第二个选项并不理想,我必须重新访问该查询.

The alternatives I can think of would be to get all rows for that user id and process them in the application itself in a for-loop, or attempt to limit the names to a finite amount and use sub-SELECTs/JOINs. However that second option is not ideal if a new name is added I'd have to revisit this query.


Please tell me I've missed something obvious



Unlike some other RDBMS MySQL doesn't have native support for pivoting operations of this sort by design (the developers feel it's more suited to the presentation, rather than database, layer of your application).

如果您绝对必须在MySQL中执行这样的操作,则构建预备语句是解决问题的方法-尽管不要弄乱CASE,我可能只会使用MySQL的 GROUP_CONCAT() 函数:

If you absolutely must perfom such manipulations within MySQL, building a prepared statement is the way to go—although rather than messing around with CASE, I'd probably just use MySQL's GROUP_CONCAT() function:

  'SELECT `table`.id', GROUP_CONCAT('
     ,    `t_', REPLACE(name, '`', '``'), '`.value
         AS `', REPLACE(name, '`', '``'), '`'
     SEPARATOR ''),
 ' FROM `table` ', GROUP_CONCAT('
     LEFT JOIN `table`   AS `t_', REPLACE(name, '`', '``'), '`
            ON `table`.id = `t_', REPLACE(name, '`', '``'), '`.id
           AND `t_', REPLACE(name, '`', '``'), '`.name = ', QUOTE(name)
     SEPARATOR ''),
 ' GROUP BY `table`.id'
) INTO @qry FROM (SELECT DISTINCT name FROM `table`) t;

PREPARE stmt FROM @qry;

sqlfiddle 上查看.

请注意, GROUP_CONCAT() group_concat_max_len 变量的限制(默认值为1024字节:除非您有一些非常长的name值,否则此处不太相关.

Note that the result of GROUP_CONCAT() is limited by the group_concat_max_len variable (default of 1024 bytes: unlikely to be relevant here unless you have some extremely long name values).


09-05 12:46