


我只是在学习ssrs而且我已经完成了一项任务,如果在饼图状态下显示印度的总人口数量像UP,BIHAR,PUNJAB,MP等明智,如果我点击其中一个状态然后它应该带我到另一个饼图显示人口城市明智的例如。如果我点击UP状态然后它应该带我另一个饼图显示像merut,lucknow和allhabad这样的城市中的人口然后如果我点击其中一个城市那么它应该带我另一个饼图显示城市区域的人口明智,所以基本上它像钻取报告但纯粹的饼图。我们能否在SSRS中实现这一点,例如ms excel中的电源视图?请回复此

Hi Sir,

I am just learning ssrs and I have been given a task to achieve wherein if there is total population of india is shown on pie chart state wise like UP,BIHAR,PUNJAB,MP etc if I click on one of the state then it should take me to another pie chart showing the population city wise for eg.If I click on UP state then it should take me another pie charts showing the population in cities in Up like merut,lucknow & allhabad and then if I click on one of the city then it should take me another pie charts showing the population of the cities area wise so basically its like drill down report but purely pie chart .Can we achieve that in SSRS like power view in ms excel? Please reply this



10-22 03:14