本文介绍了Gohlke的numpy + mkl安装-在Windows上更改MKL安装目录的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我一直在尝试使用Windows上的BLAS快速运行Numpy,到目前为止,看来可行的唯一方法是从 http://www.lfd.uci.edu/~gohlke/pythonlibs/#numpy .

I've been trying to get a working fast numpy with BLAS on Windows, and so far, the only method that seems feasible is downloading the precompiled library with MKL from http://www.lfd.uci.edu/~gohlke/pythonlibs/#numpy.

到目前为止,还可以,但是稍后再尝试numpy.__config__.show()时,我看到它指向了不存在的目录,例如C:\program files (x86)\IntelSWTools

So far ok, but chekcing later numpy.__config__.show(), I see it points to directories that don't exist, such as C:\program files (x86)\IntelSWTools

我假设numpy试图将MKL库放置在此目录中,但是我没有在C:\program files (x86)中创建文件的管理特权.

I assume numpy is trying to place the MKL libraries in this directory, but I have no administration privileges for creating files in C:\program files (x86).

有没有简单的方法来使用numpy发行版并将MKL库安装在另一个目录中?例如pip install filename.whl --some_option_to_install_mkl_in_another_dir?

Is there any simple way to use this numpy distribution and install the MKL libs in another directory? Such as a pip install filename.whl --some_option_to_install_mkl_in_another_dir?

(Windows 7 64位,python 3.5.2)

(Windows 7 64bit, python 3.5.2)


  • 使用pip install <package> --user:似乎与没有--user的同一命令安装方式完全相同. (我的默认安装文件夹为aldready用户文件夹)

  • Use pip install <package> --user: it seems to install everything exactly the same way as the same command without --user. (My default installation folder is aldready the user folder)

用户pip install <package> --root <some_path>:将所有内容安装在传递的路径中,但是Numpy配置仍然指向C:\program files (x86)\IntelSWTools,并且即使我在PATHPYTHONPATH中都添加了<some_path>,python也找不到numpy.环境变量

User pip install <package> --root <some_path>: installs everything in the passed path, but Numpy config still points to C:\program files (x86)\IntelSWTools, and python cannot find numpy, even if I add <some_path> to both PATH and PYTHONPATH environment vars


Tried to create the pip.ini file, with the lines [global] and target=E:\destination. The destination folder remains untouched.

将wheels文件重命名为zip,找到包含IntelSWTools文件夹的所有文件,将所有这些文件夹更改为我可以访问的文件夹.再次使其成为Wheels文件并进行pip安装.绝对没有文件出现在我选择的文件夹中,但numpy config指向该文件夹. -这让我感到奇怪:此发行版确实安装了MKL吗?

Rename the wheels file to zip, find all files containing the IntelSWTools folder, change all these folders to one that I have access to. Make it a wheels file again and pip install. Absolutely no file appears in the folder I chose, but numpy config is pointing to that folder. -- This makes me wonder: does this distribution really installs MKL?


Numpy+MKL不会将MKL库放置(或尝试放置)在C:\program files (x86)\IntelSWTools中.在使用pip安装过程中,将使用numpy + MKL所需的 MKL运行时DLL 复制到sys.prefix\Lib\site-packages\numpy\core.

Numpy+MKL does not place (or try to place) MKL libraries in C:\program files (x86)\IntelSWTools. The MKL runtime DLLs necessary to use numpy+MKL are copied to sys.prefix\Lib\site-packages\numpy\core during installation with pip.

C:\program files (x86)\IntelSWTools是用于构建numpy + MKL的 MKL开发文件(链接库,头文件,DLL,文档)的位置.如果要从依赖MKL开发文件的源代码构建其他软件,则需要从以下位置下载MKL英特尔.

C:\program files (x86)\IntelSWTools is the location of the MKL development files (link libraries, header files, DLLs, documentation) that were used to build numpy+MKL. If you want to build other software from source that relies on MKL development files, you need to download MKL from Intel.

这篇关于Gohlke的numpy + mkl安装-在Windows上更改MKL安装目录的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

06-14 11:04