

我正在使用Access 2003而我正在尝试创建一个选项卡控件,按下命令按钮后,将转到第二页特定标签。

例如,我有一个带有六个标签/页面的标签控件,标记为General Info,Informants,Cert of Trial Comp,Trial Comp Eval,Areas of试用比较这些更类似于用户访问以将数据输入到放置在其中的字段中的部分。






I''m using Access 2003 and I''m trying to create a tab control that, upon pressing a command button, will take you to a second page of that particular tab.

For example, I have a tab control with six tabs/pages that will be labeled General Info, Informants, Cert of Trial Comp, Trial Comp Eval, Areas of Trial Comp. These are more like sections for the user to access to enter in data into fields that are placed within them.

The problem that I''ve encountered is that not all of the fields that I want to display will do so in the size of the window I have to use. What I thought about doing to remedy this was to create a second tab control with all of the same tabs/pages, but change the information on the pages where I have to go overboard. Then I figured I could create a command button that became active when I reached that tab and would allow the user to go to the second page of the tab, which, in essence, would only make the second tab control visible.

First off, the tab control doesn''t activate the page when you click on the tab...you have to actually click somewhere on the page below the tab. Secondly, when I click the command button I created, all of the formatting goes haywire. All of the sudden, the second tab control has stretched beyond belief and the fields for the second tab control are intermingled with the fields from the first tab control.

Is there a better way to accomplish what I''ve set out to do? Is there any way to do what I''m attempting? Is there any way to control other objects by clicking on the tabs in the tab control? If 2 trains are travelling in opposite directions at 80 mph...oops, I got distracted.

Thanks for the help......





That''s a good idea...that''s kind of what I was hoping to accomplish by using the 2 tab controls, but this makes sense. May take writing more code than I had hoped, but should look better.

As far as the control button is concerned...I don''t want it to be visible unless a particular tab is selected by the user, but the tab control requires you, from what I''ve seen, to not only select the tab, but also click somewhere on the page. Is there a way to get the tab to be the focal point of the control to prevent this??

Thanks for the advice


09-05 12:20