

我在Spring 3.2.4中使用Jetty 8.1.4.以下是我的web.xml文件.我在WEB-INF下有一个index.html文件,我希望在我 http://myapp.com/时点击该页面或简单的 http://myapp.com ,但我的代码是404.如果我 http://myapp.com/index.html 可以正常工作.我不确定我缺少什么.另外,如果在下面的url模式中必须使用/或/*,我会感到困惑,我都尝试过.

I'm using Jetty 8.1.4 with Spring 3.2.4. Following is my web.xml file. I have an index.html file under WEB-INF and I want that page to be hit when I do http://myapp.com/ or simple http://myapp.com but I'm getting 404. If I do http://myapp.com/index.html it works. I'm not sure what I'm missing. Also, I'm bit confused if I must use / or /* in the url-pattern below, I tried both.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<web-app xmlns="http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/j2ee" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
    id="DOMAINAPPROVALGUI" version="2.4"
    xsi:schemaLocation="http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/j2ee http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/j2ee/web-app_2_4.xsd">









Jetty 8是EOL(寿命终止),升级到Jetty9.(此处的答案取决于Jetty 9的运行方式.)

Jetty 8 is EOL (End of Life), upgrade to Jetty 9. (The answer here is provided based on how Jetty 9 operates.)


The <welcome-file-list> is part of the DefaultServlet handling (per servlet spec).


Your declaration of myappname at <url-pattern>/*</url-pattern> is effectively preventing the DefaultServlet from doing anything.


Your configuration has basically said "send all requests to my DispatcherServlet".


This even includes static file serving, welcome-file handling, default handling, error handling, dispatching, and much much more.


As for what url pattern to choose, that's up to you.


There are many ways to use Spring, your current configuration at /* is just as valid as others that have it at *.do or *.dispatch or /dispatch/*


You have to decide what is best for your webapp, and adjust your internal use of Spring to satisfy your needs (such as how you declare your RequestMapping's)

现在您知道了<welcome-file-list>为何不起作用的原因,您可以进行调整以不使用标准servlet <welcome-file-list>(在Spring内部使用),或者调整分派器servlet url模式以允许servlet容器(码头)来提供您的静态文件并处理您声明的<welcome-file-list>.

Now that you know why <welcome-file-list> isn't working, you can make adjustments to either not use the standard servlet <welcome-file-list> (using something internally in Spring), or adjust your dispatcher servlet url pattern to allow the servlet container (Jetty) to serve your static files and handle your declared <welcome-file-list>.


09-05 16:43