从python开始编程我觉得在家里有错误报告。现在我正在使用Tkinter进行编程,我发现经常发生的是,我的程序中有错误,即使它们产生异常,我也没有注意到:我抓住它们(有时)只是因为我去调试步骤Step(我使用wingIDE),例如在给定的行我看到异常报告。但是令我感到烦恼的是程序不会停止,但是即使在不是里面的try / error中也会发生这种情况。
Starting to program in python I felt at home with its error reporting. Now that I'm programming with Tkinter instead, I'm finding that it often happens that there are errors in my program that I do not notice even if they generate an exception: I catch them (sometimes) just because I go debugging Step by Step (I use wingIDE) and e.g. at a given line I see the exception reported. But what annoys me is that the program doesn't stop, yet this happens even in blocks not inside try/error.
If what I said makes any sense, do you know about some overall approach to at least display the errors? Being in Tkinter I could create an error window, and fill it with any exception is being generated, when it happens.
The Tkinter main process loop is not brought down by exceptions and does not propagate them further. Your code must catch all exceptions. An easy way to do this is to use a decorator:
from Tkinter import *
class safe: # the decorator
def __init__(self, function):
self.function = function
def __call__(self, *args):
return self.function(*args)
except Exception, e:
# make a popup here with your exception information.
# might want to use traceback module to parse the exception info
print "Error: %s" % (e)
def bad():
root = Tk()
b = Button(root, text="press me", command=bad)
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