I am currently working on setting up a boilerplate that uses Gatsby. Everything so far has been very simple and easy to use, but I can't seem to fix one problem, which is getting SCSS glob hooked up with my global SCSS styling.
我目前对每个组件都有本地化的SCSS样式.但是,我也有一个用于全局样式(变量,版式...等)的样式目录.这也正在使用SCSS,效果很好.现在,我要做的最后一件事是使SCSS glob正常工作,这样我就可以在全局样式内进行类似/**/*.scss
I currently have localized SCSS styling for each component. However, I also have a styles directory for my global styles(variables, typography...ect). This is also using SCSS and is working great. Now the last thing I want to do is get SCSS glob working so I can do imports like /**/*.scss
within my global styles.
当前,我正在使用 gatsby-plugin-sass
,并将 globImporter
作为选项包含在我的 gatsby-config.js
Currently, I am using the gatsby-plugin-sass
and have included globImporter
as an option within my gatsby-config.js
file. However, it does not seem to do it for me.
从我读到的 node-sass-glob-importer
From what I read node-sass-glob-importer
should be what I need but no luck so far.
resolve: `gatsby-plugin-sass`,
options: {
importer: globImporter(),
cssLoaderOptions: {
camelCase: false,
然后我尝试像这样 @import"./**/*.scss";
I then try to do a global import in my scss like so @import "./**/*.scss";
but I get the following error:
任何人都可以在gatsby上设置scss glob或看到我的配置有任何问题.
has anyone set up scss glob on gatsby or see anything wrong with my configurations.
If you're still having this issue (or in case anyone else is), here's what worked for me:
options: {
importer: function(url, prev, done) {
// url is the path in import as is, which LibSass encountered.
// prev is the previously resolved path.
// done is an optional callback, either consume it or return value synchronously.
// this.options contains this options hash, this.callback contains the node-style callback
var result = globImporter();
return {file: result.path, contents: result.data};
它受到 node-sass
It was inspired by the example code on in the node-sass
确保在文件顶部还包含 var globImporter = require('node-sass-glob-importer')
Make sure to also include var globImporter = require('node-sass-glob-importer')
at the top of your file.
这篇关于如何在Gatsby项目中包含SCSS Glob?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!