I am trying to write a simple role playing game in C# to become more familiar with the language.
I have a class that loads data from CSV file, creates an object, and places it in a dictionary. Because every aspect of the game has different data (items, actors, skills, etc), I have set up each of these as a class, but this requires me to re-implement a Load() method for each one. After doing this 5 or 6 times, I am wondering if there isn't a better way to implement this.
基本上想知道如果没有实现这个更好的方法,我会想要做的是解析过该CSV的第一行包含标题,并用这些作为类变量名。目前,他们正在实现为字典的关系,所以我会做SomeClassInstance.dict [ID],在这里我将理想型SomeClassInstance.id,这是完全从文件内容生成的。
Basically, what I would want to do is parse over the first line of the CSV which contains headers, and use these as class variable names. Currently, they are implemented as a dictionary relationship, so I would do SomeClassInstance.dict["id"], where I would ideally type SomeClassInstance.id, which is entirely generated from the contents of the file.
Is that a thing? How do I do this?
如果你坚持当前的设计(CSV +字典)你可以使用ExpandoObject类让你在找什么,创建一个简单的工厂类:
If you stick to your current design (CSV + dictionary) you could use the ExpandoObject class to get what you are looking for, create a simple factory class:
public static class ObjectFactory
public static dynamic CreateInstance(Dictionary<string, string> objectFromFile)
dynamic instance = new ExpandoObject();
var instanceDict = (IDictionary<string, object>)instance;
foreach (var pair in objectFromFile)
instanceDict.Add(pair.Key, pair.Value);
return instance;
This factory will create an object instance of whatever dictionary you give it, i.e. just one method to create all your different kinds of objects. Use it like this:
// Simulating load of dictionary from file
var actorFromFile = new Dictionary<string, string>();
actorFromFile.Add("Id", "1");
actorFromFile.Add("Age", "37");
actorFromFile.Add("Name", "Angelina Jolie");
// Instantiate dynamically
dynamic actor = ObjectFactory.CreateInstance(actorFromFile);
// Test using properties
Console.WriteLine("Actor.Id = " + actor.Id +
" Name = " + actor.Name +
" Age = " + actor.Age);
希望这有助于。 (是的,她生于1975年)
Hopes this helps. (And yes she was born 1975)