本文介绍了Raphael.js 在路径上居中文本的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我所拥有的:沿由圆形构成的路径的文本.它使用 Raphael.js 和一个名为 textOnPath 的函数(在此处找到:Raphael JS Text沿路径 ):

What I have:Text along a path made out of circle. It uses Raphael.js and a function called textOnPath (found here: Raphael JS Text Along path ):

var pathTest = r.path(getCircletoPath(286, 322, radius)).attr({stroke:"#b9b9b9"});
textOnPath(message, pathTest, fontSize, fontSpacing, kerning, kerning, point, textFill, fontNormal, fontFamily);



What I need:The text to be centered on top of the circle.

我的方法:尝试根据弧线大小和文本宽度计算文本应该从哪里开始.我试图通过使用 text() 函数创建它的不可见克隆并获取它的 BBox 宽度来计算文本宽度.

My approach:Try to calculate where the text should start depending on the arc size and text width. I tried to calculate the text width by creating it's invisible clone with text() function and get it's BBox width.


It doesn't quite work and the results vary depending on the web browser, font used and number of letters and spaces:

var length = r.text(100,400,message)
.attr({"font-size":fontSize,'opacity': 0, 'font-family': fontFamily})

var point = (Math.PI*radius - length*fontSpacing)/2;



Could anyone point me in the right direction?



The easiest way, IMHO, is to create additional helper path that is raised by half of text size. http://jsfiddle.net/p84VQ/


Also, I find it a bit more convenient to define a circle and then get points at specified angle:

var Circle = function(cx, cy, r) {
   return function (a) {
      return {
         x: cx + r*Math.sin(Math.PI*-a/180),
         y: cy - r*Math.cos(Math.PI*-a/180)

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08-23 01:16