Suppose you are designing a PC game that keeps track of high scores. In addition to keeping local scores, a global high score server is set up that is accessed by the game over the internet. Players should be able to submit their high scores to the global high score list right after they have completed a game, or later, from their local high score list. This must be a common problem; arcade games on modern game consoles often feature a global high score list that works like this.
My question boils down to: how can you prevent someone from submitting bogus high scores? Or, stated another way, how can the global high score server be sure that a submitted score was really produced by a run through the game?
The more I thought about this, the more I think it may be an unsolvable problem.
What you'd commonly do to verify that a message originated from a certain source is have the source digitally sign the message. You could certainly do that in this case, but the real problem is that the player, by having the software, also has the software's private key. No matter how obfuscated it might be, it can be reverse engineered, or even just plucked from memory.
Another option would be to send along a replay of the player's game to the high score server, which would quickly run the replay and verify that the submitted score matches the outcome of the replay. This doesn't solve the problem, but it certainly makes it more difficult to forge a bogus high score if you also have to produce a very complex replay that "proves" it.
Is this a problem that has a solution, or is it really unsolvable? Are there techniques used by the home game console developers to prevent this sort of exploit, or do they simply rely on the console preventing unauthorized code from running?
For a PC game where the score is generated by the client, this is not a solvable problem since the client is inherently untrustworthy.
The only thing you can try to do is make it harder for someone to submit a fake score.
保护内存得分.您可以使用 CryptProtectMemory 之类的API将分数隐藏在内存中-简单的内存写入将不起作用.但是,使用附加的调试器或通过将代码注入到您的过程中,他们仍然可以修改分数.您可以研究各种尝试击败调试器的方案.
Protect the in-memory score.You can use API's like CryptProtectMemory to hide the score in memory - a simple memory write will not work. However, with an attached debugger or via injecting code into your process, they could still modify the score. You can look into various schemes for trying to defeat debuggers.
Protect the score en-route to the server.You can encrypt the data being sent to the service, as you suggest, but since the untrusted party has control over the key, this is merely obfuscation and offers no solid protection.
Validate the score at the service.I'd be loathe to do this, beyond very simple checks. A bug here will result in you rejecting valid scores. It'll be impossible to distinguish between cheaters and strong players.
At this point, you really have to ask your self if the engineering effort is really worth it. What if someone posts an invalid score? What do you actually lose? I would do the bare minimum to protect against a kid with a simple script. I.e., don't have your score submission be just:
I would just use simple protection in memory against casual snoops, some simple obfuscation on the wire (hash the score with a server cookie) and be done.