

我有大约1TB的原始数据文件,带有相对较小的标记数据子集。我已经编写了c ++代码(调用了一些古老的MSVC ++ 2003代码,我对其进行了重大修改以使其可以在最新的编译器上进行编译)以聚合带注释的数据切片。

I've got about a terabyte of files with raw data, with a relatively small subset of labelled data. I've written c++ code (calling some ancient MSVC++2003 code I heavily modified to get it to compile on recent compilers) to aggregate the annotated data slices.


A big part of that labelled data is concentrated in one file, but that file turns out to be the one where my program crashes.


Invalid parameter passed to C runtime function.
Invalid parameter passed to C runtime function.
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'int'


In my Qt output window, and windows tells me the same in a popup, but at this point it's too late to get any useful info out of the executable / debugger it seems (though I'm not experienced at all with Qt's debugger).


I've googled all over and found plenty of people with this error message but it's so generic that none of their issues could be the same as mine, and there's such a long list of different C runtime functions that sifting through all of them is slow and it doesn't seem to help.


"Find a man a bug, and you help him for a day. Teach a man to debug and you help him for a lifetime. Post the way on stackoverflow and you help many men and get a lot of upvotes."


Is there a generic method to find what C runtime function the problem was and what the argument was? Did I miss some fancy debugger features? Is there anything else you could recommend or info I could provide?


I'd hope to get a catch-all answer to this to help everyone with this problem, not just me, but I'll be glad if I'm helped too of course.


0 ntdll!DbgBreakPoint 0x7727000d

1 ntdll!DbgUiRemoteBreakin 0x772ff156

2 ?? 0x6f06eaa1

3 KERNEL32!BaseThreadInitThunk 0x7501338a

4 ntdll!RtlInitializeExceptionChain 0x77299902

5 ntdll!RtlInitializeExceptionChain 0x772998d5

6 ?

0 ntdll!DbgBreakPoint 0x7727000d
1 ntdll!DbgUiRemoteBreakin 0x772ff156
2 ?? 0x6f06eaa1
3 KERNEL32!BaseThreadInitThunk 0x7501338a
4 ntdll!RtlInitializeExceptionChain 0x77299902
5 ntdll!RtlInitializeExceptionChain 0x772998d5
6 ??

尝试了更多的功能之后,只是为了确保一切都尝试了 backtrace,所以超时了。再次给了我一个结果。我想我永远都不会在超时后在gdb中花那么多时间。

After trying a couple more functions just to be sure everything gave a timeout trying "backtrace" once again did give me a result. I guess I just never put this much time in gdb after it timeouting on me once.

也就是说,我可能能够通过此新信息找到一些东西。考虑到我的特定问题已经解决,但我的一般观点仍然有效:我现在已经找到了存在问题的函数(我认为),但不是为什么有问题,也不是无效参数是什么。更好的是,我将其追溯到显示 throw 1的行。因此,现在我假设Windows / Qt将其转换为无效参数。

That said, I might be able to find something with this new info. Consider my specific problem closed, but my general point is still valid I believe: I've now found the function with the problem (I think), but not why it is a problem, nor what the invalid parameter is. Even better, I've traced it to a line where it says "throw 1". So now I'm assuming windows/Qt translates that to the "invalid parameter". But it's not true.


#17 0x00c17d72 in libstdc ++-6!.cxa_throw()来自C:\Qt\5.5\mingw492_32\bin\libstdc ++ -6.dll

#17 0x00c17d72 in libstdc++-6!.cxa_throw () from C:\Qt\5.5\mingw492_32\bin\libstdc++-6.dllNo symbol table info available....


就个人而言,在Linux终端上,我使用gcc进行编译,并使用gdb进行调试。要使用gcc编译带有调试选项的程序,只需要将 -g 添加到其他标志中。例如: gcc file.c -o文件-std = c99 -g 。然后,您可以键入 gdb文件,然后进入交互式调试器。除其他有用的功能外,您还可以运行程序,调用函数并插入断点。有关完整的用法的详细信息,请访问此网站-

Personally, on a Linux terminal, I use gcc for compiling and gdb for debugging. To compile a program with debugging options using gcc, you simply have to add a -g to your other flags. Ex:gcc file.c -o file -std=c99 -g. You can then type gdb file and you enter into an interactive debugger. Among other helpful things, you can run the program, call functions and insert breakpoints. For a full and well explained usage go to this website-http://www.tutorialspoint.com/gnu_debugger/index.htm


08-19 16:06