


What exactly makes the JVM (in particular, Sun's implementation) slow to get running compared to other runtimes like CPython? My impression was that it mainly has to do with a boatload of libraries getting loaded whether they're needed or not, but that seems like something that shouldn't take 10 years to fix.

想一想,JVM的启动时间与Windows上的CLR相比如何? Mono的CLR怎么样?

Come to think of it, how does the JVM start time compare to the CLR on Windows? How about Mono's CLR?

更新:我特别关注像Unix中常见的链接在一起的小型实用程序的用例. Java现在适合这种样式吗?无论Java产生什么启动开销,它会为每个Java进程累加起来,还是仅在第一个进程中真正体现出开销?

UPDATE: I'm particularly concerned with the use case of small utilities chained together as is common in Unix. Is Java now suitable for this style? Whatever startup overhead Java incurs, does it add up for every Java process, or does the overhead only really manifest for the first process?


这是 Wikipedia必须做什么说出这个问题(有一些参考文献).

Here is what Wikipedia has to say on the issue (with some references).


It appears that most of the time is taken just loading data (classes) from disk (i.e. startup time is I/O bound).


07-29 20:20