

我卸载vs 2016因为它减慢了我的整个操作系统!!!

所以,我安装了我可信赖的VS 2010,但安装后,它抛出错误Exception已被目标抛出调用。

因为我安装了比2010更新版本的VS ...

经过一段时间的搜索,发誓和吐痰,我发现这个问题的解决方案是:一些[路径变量]超过2048个字符 - 但他们没有指定在哪里找到这个变量文件。

在互联网上搜索这个[路径变量]的东西,我在一个可能的解决方案中找到了这个解释:......我运行了以下命令在cmd行,来自C:\Program Files(x86)\ Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0 \Common7 \IDE文件夹:...


- 如何从文件夹运行命令行? (哭)




I Uninstalled vs 2016 because it slowed down my entire OS !!!
So, I installed back my trusty VS 2010 but after install, it throw error "Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation".
Because I installed a newer version of VS than the 2010...

After some time of searching,swearing and spitting, I find that the solution for this problem is: "some [path variable] being longer than 2048 chars" - but they are not specifying where to find this "variable" FILE.

Searching for this [path variable] thing on the internet, I find this "explanation" in a possible solution: """...I ran the following command on cmd line, from the C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\Common7\IDE folder:..."""

Now, from what it is describing, he is running a command from a folder, right?
- How to run a command line from a folder? (crying)

Again, thank you.

What I have tried:

_____________________________________i described what i tried.


"C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\Common7\IDE\MyAppName" parameters

- 不要忘记双引号,因为它们强制命令处理器将其视为完整路径,而不是在第一个空格处停止。


- do not forget the double quotes, as they force the command processor to treat it as a complete path, rather than stopping at the first space.
2) Move to the folder first using CD:

cd "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\Common7\IDE"


Then run your application:

myAppName parameters


07-29 20:00