Pointers can be declared as pointing to mutable (non-const) data or pointer to constant data.
Pointers can be defined to point to a function.
My coworkers and I were discussing the use of "const" with pointers and the question came up regarding the use of const
with function pointers.
- 指向常量函数和指针的指针的含义是什么指向非恒定函数的指针?
- 函数可以是const吗?
- 函数可以是非常量(可变)吗?
- 传递函数指针的正确(安全)语法是什么?
- What is the meaning of a pointer to a constant function versus apointer to a non-constant function?
- Can a function be const?
- Can a function be non-const (mutable)?
- What is the proper (safe) syntax for passing a function pointer?
typedef void (*Function_Pointer)(void); // Pointer to void function returning void.
void function_a(Function_Pointer p_func); // Example 1.
void function_b(const Function_Pointer p_func); // Example 2.
void function_c(Function_Pointer const p_func); // Example 3.
void function_d(const Function_Pointer const p_func); // Example 4.
The above declarations are examples of treating a function pointer like a pointer to an intrinsic type.
A data, variable or memory pointer allows for the above combinations.
So the questions are: can a function pointer have the same combinations and what is meant by a pointer to a const function (such as Example 2)?
In C, there's no such thing as a function being const
or otherwise, so a pointer to a const function is meaningless (shouldn't compile, though I haven't checked with any particular compiler).
Note that although it's different, you can have a const pointer to a function, a pointer to function returning const, etc. Essentially everything but the function itself can be const. Consider a few examples:
// normal pointer to function
int (*func)(int);
// pointer to const function -- not allowed
int (const *func)(int);
// const pointer to function. Allowed, must be initialized.
int (*const func)(int) = some_func;
// Bonus: pointer to function returning pointer to const
void const *(*func)(int);
// triple bonus: const pointer to function returning pointer to const.
void const *(*const func)(int) = func.
As far as passing a pointer to a function as a parameter goes, it's pretty simple. You normally want to just pass a pointer to the correct type. However, a pointer to any type of function can be converted to a pointer to some other type of function, then back to its original type, and retain the original value.