I have the following form for users to reset their password it is within the file forgotten.php in the root directory.
<form id="pass_form" action="" method="post" name="pass_form">
<input type="text" class="blank" name="name" id="name" value="Trader Username" data-default="Trader Username" data-message="Please enter your username..."> *<br>
<input class="sub-btn" type="submit" value="Submit">
我要发布用户名INC / sendreset.php所以我有以下阿贾克斯JS / scripts.js
I would like to post the username to inc/sendreset.php so I have the following Ajax in js/scripts.js
offset: [0, 354],
position: 'center left',
messageClass: 'conerror'
}).submit(function(e) {
if (!e.isDefaultPrevented()) {
var form = $(this);
var serdata = form.serialize();
type: "POST",
url: "sendreset",
data: serdata,
cache: false,
success: function (html) {
log('inside ajax sendreset', this, arguments);
if (html=="0") {
} else {
$('#pass_form').html('<p>The password reset instructions have been sent. Please check your email.</p>');
error: function (err) {
log('error inside ajax sendreset', this, arguments);
然而,它似乎并没有发布用户名到文件中。该INC / sendreset.php如下:
However it does not seem to post the username into the file. The inc/sendreset.php is as follows
$Trader = new CompanyTrader();
$resetdata = $Trader->resetTrader($_POST['name']);
//more php which isn't relevant
我知道文件INC / sendreset.php工作,当我在文件中使用$ _GET ['名称']我用INC / sendreset.php?NAME =用户名的数组返回相关的用户。它不从forgotten.php使用Ajax虽然工作。请帮帮忙!
I know the file inc/sendreset.php works as when I the file to use $_GET['name'] and i use inc/sendreset.php?name=username the array is returned for the relevant user. It does not work from forgotten.php using Ajax though. Please help!
i really think this is wrong:
url: "sendreset",
尝试用一个相对或绝对URL如 http://mysite.com