


When using phantom how dangerous is it to be following this pattern in db calls:

Await.result(dbOperationFut, 30.seconds)


This isn't really phantom specific but it is the scala driver being used.


I am weary of this pattern because of the potential GC pause that might last for over x seconds. How many seconds is safe given GC pauses?


I am personally in favor of using for-comp and not blocking like this, but just want to know if this is a REALLY bad practice or it is fine.

上下文:这适用于基于akka的应用程序(akka,akka http)

Context: This would be for akka based applications (akka, akka http)





Await.result 阻塞运行该线程的线程,直到给定的持续时间。阻塞线程将浪费宝贵的计算资源,因为该线程将无法执行任何有用的计算,例如处理新请求或算法中的数字运算等等。

Await.result blocks the thread in which it is running until the given duration. Blocking the thread will waste the precious computation resource because that thread will not be able to do any useful computation like handling the new request or number crunching in an algorithm etc.

所以,请尽量避免使用 Await.result

So, Avoid using the Await.result as much as possible.

这是使用 Await.result 的典型用例之一。

Here is one of the typical use case for using Await.result.


Lets say you have written a program containing main thread and all the computation inside the main thread is asynchronous. Now once you start the asynchronous computation inside the main thread. Some one has to stop the main thread from existing till the asynchronous computation finishes, if not the program stops running and you cannot see the result of the asynchronous computation.

object Main {
 def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
  import scala.concurrent.Future
  import scala.concurrent.duration._

  val f = Future { //do something }
  //stop main thread till f completes
  Await.result(f, 10 seconds)

在上述情况下,没有其他方法可以期望停止(阻止)主线程直到计算 f 完成,如果没有主线程退出且计算停止。

In the above case there is no other way expect stopping (blocking) the main thread till the computation f completes if not main thread exits and computation stops.



In event based model you will quickly run out of threads if you have blocking code which takes long time to return. In playframework any blocking call could decrease the performance of the application and app will becomes dead slow as it runs out of threads.


In thread per request models. When you have blocking calls which take long time to exit/return.




In all of the cases no useful work is done expect for waiting for some IO or some other event.


10-27 14:34