我刚刚阅读了令牌的来龙去脉-基于身份验证.它声称可伸缩性是server based Authentication
的主要问题,因为服务器必须在本地存储会话.并提示token based authentication
I just read The Ins and Outs of Token-based Authentication. It claims scalability is the main issue with server based Authentication
since server has to store sessions locally. And it prompts token based authentication
as the cure.
身份验证只是可能导致可伸缩性问题的可能位置之一.只要在服务器端存储了任何特定于用户的状态信息,无论它存储在会话作用域还是Web应用程序作用域中,都会导致可伸缩性问题.过于夸张地说token based authentication
可以解决可伸缩性问题.还有许多其他因素要强大得多. 仅仅是基于令牌的身份验证是无状态的,并不意味着整个服务器都可以是无状态的.
Authentication is just one of the possible places that could cause scalability issue. As long as there's ANY user-specific state info stored on server-side, no matter it is stored at session scope or web application scope, that will also cause scalability issue. It is overly exaggerated to say token based authentication
alone can solve scalability issue. There are too many other factors which are much stronger ones. Just because token-based authentication is stateless doesn't mean the whole server CAN BE stateless.
让我们以JWT为例,通过 JWT的定义:
Let's take JWT as an example, by the definition of JWT:
I don't think JWT is suitable for storing state info beyond authentication data. Because the common reasonable places for JWT storage all have small size limit, such as HTTP header, Cookie.
Do you agree? Anyone could shed some light on this?
Whether or not your application needs session state for other things does not affect the scalability characteristics of using JWT tokens.
It's perfectly possible to design a true stateless application, in which case the use of token based authentication allows you to remain stateless.
You should not use security tokens to store session info as tokens are signed and session info is usually volatile. The issuer would need to resign the token each time one of the claims changes.