


I'm currently working on a pygame game and I need to place objects randomly on the screen, except they cannot be within a designated rectangle. Is there an easy way to do this rather than continuously generating a random pair of coordinates until it's outside of the rectangle?


Here's a rough example of what the screen and the rectangle look like.

|      __      |
|     |__|     |
|              |
|              |


Where the screen size is 1000x800 and the rectangle is [x: 500, y: 250, width: 100, height: 75]


A more code oriented way of looking at it would be

x = random_int
0 <= x <= 1000
500 > x or 600 < x

y = random_int
0 <= y <= 800
250 > y or 325 < y



It requires a bit of thought to generate a uniformly random point with these constraints. The simplest brute force way I can think of is to generate a list of all valid points and use random.choice() to select from this list. This uses a few MB of memory for the list, but generating a point is very fast:

import random

screen_width = 1000
screen_height = 800
rect_x = 500
rect_y = 250
rect_width = 100
rect_height = 75

valid_points = []
for x in range(screen_width):
    if rect_x <= x < (rect_x + rect_width):
        for y in range(rect_y):
            valid_points.append( (x, y) )
        for y in range(rect_y + rect_height, screen_height):
            valid_points.append( (x, y) )
        for y in range(screen_height):
            valid_points.append( (x, y) )

for i in range(10):
    rand_point = random.choice(valid_points)


It is possible to generate a random number and map it to a valid point on the screen, which uses less memory, but it is a bit messy and takes more time to generate the point. There might be a cleaner way to do this, but one approach using the same screen size variables as above is here:

rand_max = (screen_width * screen_height) - (rect_width * rect_height)
def rand_point():
    rand_raw = random.randint(0, rand_max-1)
    x = rand_raw % screen_width
    y = rand_raw // screen_width
    if rect_y <= y < rect_y+rect_height and rect_x <= x < rect_x+rect_width:
        rand_raw = rand_max + (y-rect_y) * rect_width + (x-rect_x)
        x = rand_raw % screen_width
        y = rand_raw // screen_width
    return (x, y)


The logic here is similar to the inverse of the way that screen addresses are calculated from x and y coordinates on old 8 and 16 bit microprocessors. The variable rand_max is equal to the number of valid screen coordinates. The x and y co-ordinates of the pixel are calculated, and if it is within the rectangle the pixel is pushed above rand_max, into the region that couldn't be generated with the first call.

如果您不太关心均匀随机点,则此解决方案易于实现且非常快速. x值是随机的,但如果选择的X在带有矩形的列中,则Y值会受到限制,因此与矩形左右两侧的像素相比,矩形上方和下方的像素被选择的可能性更高. :

If you don't care too much about the point being uniformly random, this solution is easy to implement and very quick. The x values are random, but the Y value is constrained if the chosen X is in the column with the rectangle, so the pixels above and below the rectangle will have a higher probability of being chosen than pizels to the left and right of the rectangle:

def pseudo_rand_point():
    x = random.randint(0, screen_width-1)
    if rect_x <= x < rect_x + rect_width:
        y = random.randint(0, screen_height-rect_height-1)
        if y >= rect_y:
            y += rect_height
        y = random.randint(0, screen_height-1)
    return (x, y)


Another answer was calculating the probability that the pixel is in certain regions of the screen, but their answer isn't quite correct yet. Here's a version using a similar idea, calculate the probability that the pixel is in a given region and then calculate where it is within that region:

valid_screen_pixels = screen_width*screen_height - rect_width * rect_height
prob_left = float(rect_x * screen_height) / valid_screen_pixels
prob_right = float((screen_width - rect_x - rect_width) * screen_height) / valid_screen_pixels
prob_above_rect = float(rect_y) / (screen_height-rect_height)
def generate_rand():
    ymin, ymax = 0, screen_height-1
    xrand = random.random()
    if xrand < prob_left:
        xmin, xmax = 0, rect_x-1
    elif xrand > (1-prob_right):
        xmin, xmax = rect_x+rect_width, screen_width-1
        xmin, xmax = rect_x, rect_x+rect_width-1
        yrand = random.random()
        if yrand < prob_above_rect:
            ymax = rect_y-1
    x = random.randrange(xmin, xmax)
    y = random.randrange(ymin, ymax)
    return (x, y)


08-20 09:05