在Excel 2003中,如何声明全局变量并将其初始化一次,即打开工作簿?
In Excel 2003, how can I declare global variables and initialise them only once, ie when the workbook is opened?
I have some parameters that are used by a few macros: paths to input files, basically. At the moment, my code looks like this:
global path1, path2 as string
sub initPaths
path1 = 'path\to\file1'
path2 = 'path\to\file2'
end sub
然后,每当我需要在子例程或函数中使用file1或file2时,我会调用 initPaths
Then, whenever I need to use file1 or file2 in a subroutine or function, I insert a call to initPaths
. But this seems rather inelegant; I'd like to be able to set the paths only once rather than repeatedly.
From your example, it looks like what you want are constants, not global variables.
Public Const PATH1 = "path\to\file1"
Public Const PATH2 = "path\to\file2"
如果你真的需要使用代码确定值,但只想初始化一次,可以使用lazy-initialization ...
If you really do need to use code to determine the values, but only want to initialize them once, you can use lazy-initialization...
Private mstrPath1 As String
Private mstrPath2 As String
Public Function Path1() As String
if mstrPath1 = vbNullString Then
' Initialize mstrPath1 value here.
End If
Path1 = mstrPath1
End Function
Public Function Path2() As String
if mstrPath2 = vbNullString Then
' Initialize mstrPath2 value here.
End If
Path2 = mstrPath2
End Function
The nice thing here is that if your code ever gets reset, the values simply get re-initialized again next time you access them via their respective functions.
Note that global variables are to be avoided as much as possible, and you should always prefer private global variables over public ones where possible. Use globals and public globals where necessary, but only where necessary.