

我正在使用Photoshop CS2设计传单,该传单旨在通过电子邮件以.pdf的形式分发.我的文档为72 dpi,我认为这是适合非打印用途的默认设置.

I am using Photoshop CS2 to design a leaflet which is intended for distribution by email as a .pdf. My document is 72 dpi, which i believe is a suitable default for non-printing use.

文档中有一个图像,一个徽标,当我将文档另存为.pdf时,该图像在Acrobat Reader中总是显示为像素化.在Photoshop中看起来还不错.我已经尝试了几乎所有选项以及另存为"选项的组合,没有任何区别.

There is one image in the document, a logo, and this is always appearing pixelated in Acrobat reader when i save the doc as .pdf. It looks fine in Photoshop. I have tried just about every option and combination of "Save As" options, nothing makes any difference.


I have tried both tiff and jpg versions of the image, to no avail. I also notice that if i choose no compression when Saving As, the resulting file size is gigantic - 10+ megs, even though the image is only 10k! And the image STILL is pixelated.





I realize this question is a few years old but thought I'd offer a possible solution for anyone else having this issue. It isn't perfect but it produced much better results than anything else I've tried so far.

注意:这是假设您正在处理72ppi Photoshop文档(我正在使用CS5).

  1. 首先确保您已安装PDF打印机.

  1. First ensure you have a PDF printer installed.

然后在Photoshop中转到文件">打印" ,然后选择上述打印机.

Then in Photoshop go to File > Print and select the aforementioned printer.

单击打印设置..." ,然后从默认设置框中选择高质量打印" . (或单击右侧的编辑" 并确保将图像质量设置为最高).

Click "Print Settings..." and select "High Quality Print" from the default settings box. (Or click "Edit" to the right and make sure your image quality is set to max).

仍然在打印设置对话框中,转到"Adob​​e PDF页面大小:" 并单击添加.."

Still in the print settings dialog, go down to "Adobe PDF Page Size:" and click "Add.."


Name your new paper size "doc" (or whatever you want really).


Then for the size divide your document width by 109 (ppi) and your height by 109 (again ppi) and enter the resulting values in their respective locations (making sure inches is selected).

单击添加/修改" 关闭对话框.确保从"Adob​​e PDF页面大小" 下拉列表中选择新的纸张大小,然后单击确定".

Click "Add/modify" to close the dialog. Make sure your new paper size is selected from the "Adobe PDF Page Size" dropdown and hit "OK."

按比例缩放的打印尺寸" 框中,将比例更改为66%(这应使打印分辨率为109 PPI).

In the "Scaled Print Size" box area change the scale to 66% (which should make the print resolution read 109 PPI).

单击打印" ,保存您的文档,希望您的PDF看起来更好!

Click "Print", save your document and hopefully your PDF looks much better!


As a side note, you could try using 110ppi instead, calculating your size and changing the scale to 65% to match. But from my experience, for whatever reason, 109 worked better.

如果您想知道这有什么用,默认情况下,Adobe Reader/Acrobat倾向于将PDF显示为110ppi,因此通过创建PDF来反映这一点(是的,减少了1ppi),它看起来就是100%的100%.

If you're wondering how this helps, Adobe Reader/Acrobat tend to display PDF's at 110ppi by default, so by creating the PDF to reflect this (yes, it's 1ppi off) it looks 100% at 100%.


Again, this is what worked for me, hopefully you have the same luck.


09-05 09:01