我有一个双节点集群。在Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard上运行AppFabric的发行版。我只使用缓存服务。
I have a two node cluster. Running the release version of AppFabric on Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard. I am using only the cache service.
Please take a look at the following PowerShell session on my primary node:
PS C:\ Windows \ system32> Get-CacheClusterHealth
==================== =====
HostName = NotCache01
------------------ -------
NamedCache =默认
健康              = 50.00
UnderReconfiguration = 0.00
NotPrimary           = 0.00
NoWriteQuorum        = 0.00
节流            = 0.00
------------ ---------------------
NamedCache =默认
未分配的分数 = $ 50.00
PS C:\ Windows \ SYSTEM32> Get-CacheClusterHealth
==================== =====
HostName = NotCache01
------------------ -------
NamedCache =默认
健康              = 50.00
UnderReconfiguration = 0.00
NotPrimary           = 0.00
NoWriteQuorum        = 0.00
节流            = 0.00
------------ ---------------------
NamedCache =默认
未分配的分数 = $ 50.00
PS C:\ Windows \ SYSTEM32> get-cachehost
HostName:CachePort 服务名称 服务状态版本信息
-------------------- ------------            -------------- ------------
NotCache01:22233    AppFabricCachingService UP 1 [1,1] [1,1]
NotCache02:22233 AppFabricCachingService UP 1 [1,1] [1,1]
PS C:\ Windows \ system32> Get-CacheClusterHealth
==================== =====
HostName = NotCache01
------------------ -------
NamedCache =默认
健康              = 50.00
UnderReconfiguration = 0.00
NotPrimary           = 0.00
NoWriteQuorum        = 0.00
节流            = 0.00
HostName = NotCache02
------------- ------------
NamedCache =默认
健康              = 50.00
UnderReconfiguration = 0.00
NotPrimary           = 0.00
NoWriteQuorum        = 0.00
节流            = 0.00
------------ ---------------------
PS C:\ Windows \system32>
PS C:\Windows\system32> Get-CacheClusterHealth
Cluster health statistics
HostName = NotCache01
NamedCache = default
Healthy = 50.00
UnderReconfiguration = 0.00
NotPrimary = 0.00
NoWriteQuorum = 0.00
Throttled = 0.00
Unallocated named cache fractions
NamedCache = default
Unallocated fraction = 50.00
PS C:\Windows\system32> Get-CacheClusterHealth
Cluster health statistics
HostName = NotCache01
NamedCache = default
Healthy = 50.00
UnderReconfiguration = 0.00
NotPrimary = 0.00
NoWriteQuorum = 0.00
Throttled = 0.00
Unallocated named cache fractions
NamedCache = default
Unallocated fraction = 50.00
PS C:\Windows\system32> get-cachehost
HostName : CachePort Service Name Service Status Version Info
-------------------- ------------ -------------- ------------
NotCache01:22233 AppFabricCachingService UP 1 [1,1][1,1]
NotCache02:22233 AppFabricCachingService UP 1 [1,1][1,1]
PS C:\Windows\system32> Get-CacheClusterHealth
Cluster health statistics
HostName = NotCache01
NamedCache = default
Healthy = 50.00
UnderReconfiguration = 0.00
NotPrimary = 0.00
NoWriteQuorum = 0.00
Throttled = 0.00
HostName = NotCache02
NamedCache = default
Healthy = 50.00
UnderReconfiguration = 0.00
NotPrimary = 0.00
NoWriteQuorum = 0.00
Throttled = 0.00
Unallocated named cache fractions
PS C:\Windows\system32>
These commands were run in quick succession, so, why does the secondary node not return data the first two times I attempt to run Get-CacheClusterHealth?
The unallocated fractions can be non-zero at cluster startup or when one or more nodes are not in good shape, e.g. a node recently went down and the fraction of the caches being served by that node needs to be shared across the remaining. The assignment of these fractions to other nodes can take a few seconds.