

我可以在Visual Studio中将复制本地"的默认选项设置为False吗?在大多数情况下,当我将dll添加为项目的依赖项时,我希望将复制本地"属性设置为False.默认情况下,它为True.有没有办法更改Visual Studio的默认行为? (2008)

Can I set the default-option of "Copy Local" in Visual Studio to False? In most times, when I add a dll as dependency of a project, I want the Copy Local property set to False. Per default, it is True. Is there a way to change the default behaviour of Visual Studio? (2008)


否-Visual Studio使用内部规则集来确定将复制本地"设置为什么.

No - Visual Studio uses an internal set of rules to determine what to set Copy Local to.

来自 MSDN :

  1. 如果引用是另一个项目,称为项目间引用,则该值为 true .
  2. 如果在全局程序集缓存中找到该程序集,则值为 false .
  3. 在特殊情况下,mscorlib.dll引用的值为 false .
  4. 如果在Framework SDK文件夹中找到该程序集,则该值为 false .
  5. 否则,该值为 true .
  1. If the reference is another project, called a project-to-project reference, then the value is true.
  2. If the assembly is found in the global assembly cache, the value is false.
  3. As a special case, the value for the mscorlib.dll reference is false.
  4. If the assembly is found in the Framework SDK folder, then the value is false.
  5. Otherwise, the value is true.


08-19 20:08