本文介绍了PostgreSQL中的外键匹配的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧! 问题描述 29岁程序员,3月因学历无情被辞! 只要好奇,如果我有这张表: CREATE TABLEpost(idSERIAL ,revisionINTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,summaryCHARACTER VARYING NOT NULL,descriptionTEXT NOT NULL,user_idINTEGER NOT NULL 参考user(id)MATCH FULL ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE RESTRICT,post_type_idINTEGER NOT NULL REFERENCESpost_type(id) (), PRIMARY KEY(id,revision)$ b $ UPDATE CASCADE $ b); 来存储帖子,而这张表: post_idINTEGER NOT NULL,assembly_seat_idINTEGER NOT NULL REFERENCESassembly_seat(id )MATCH FULL ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE RESTRICT, PRIMARY KEY(post_id)); 并且我希望我的 post_id 字段指向到 post(id),我该怎么做?我已经尝试了以下词组: $ $ p $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ ID)MATCH SIMPLE ON UPDATE RESTRICT ON DELETE RESTRICT, 但是我得到这个错误: $ b 错误:没有唯一的约束匹配给定的关键字的引用表后 $ b 在这种情况下, post_state(asembly_seat_id)的值不会改变。 $ b 解决方案外键约束可以跨多列。您可以将修订列添加到表 post_state 。 CREATE TEMP TABLE post( post_id serial NOT NULL ,revision integer NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 ,summary text NOT NULL ,描述文本NOT NULL ,user_id整数NOT NULL REFERENCES用户(id)MATCH FULL ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE RESTRICT ,post_type_id integer NOT NULL REFERENCES post_type(id)MATCH FULL ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE RESTRICT ,ctime timestamptz DEFAULT NOW(),PRIMARY KEY(post_id,revision)); CREATE TEMP TABLE post_state( post_id integer NOT NULL ,revision integer NOT NULL ,assembly_seat_id integer NOT NULL REFERENCES assembly_seat(id)MATCH FULL ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE RESTRICT ,PRIMARY KEY(post_id,revision) ,FOREIGN KEY(post_id,revision)参考文献(post_id,revision) ); 阅读外键限制。 我使用 post_id 作为表 post 的主键列。不要使用 id 作为列名。如果你加入一堆表格,你最终会得到一堆所有名字 id 的列。令人遗憾的是,一些半智能的ORM习惯于这样做。另外,可能更好的设计使独一无二 post_id 在表格后中添加一个表格 post_revision 与 post 之间有1:1关系。 Just curious, if I have this table:CREATE TABLE "post" ( "id" SERIAL, "revision" INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, "summary" CHARACTER VARYING NOT NULL, "description" TEXT NOT NULL, "user_id" INTEGER NOT NULL REFERENCES "user" ("id") MATCH FULL ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE RESTRICT, "post_type_id" INTEGER NOT NULL REFERENCES "post_type" ("id") MATCH FULL ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE RESTRICT, "ctime" TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE DEFAULT NOW(), PRIMARY KEY("id", "revision"));to store posts, and this table:CREATE TABLE "post_state" ( "post_id" INTEGER NOT NULL, "assembly_seat_id" INTEGER NOT NULL REFERENCES "assembly_seat" ("id") MATCH FULL ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE RESTRICT, PRIMARY KEY("post_id"));and I want my post_id field to point to post(id), how do I do it? I have tried with the following phrase: "post_id" INTEGER NOT NULL UNIQUE, REFERENCES "post" ("id") MATCH SIMPLE ON UPDATE RESTRICT ON DELETE RESTRICT,but I am getting this error: ERROR: there is no unique constraint matching given keys for referenced table "post"The values of post_state(asembly_seat_id) do not change in this case. 解决方案 A foreign key constraint can span multiple columns. You could just add the column revision to the table post_state.CREATE TEMP TABLE post ( post_id serial NOT NULL ,revision integer NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 ,summary text NOT NULL ,description text NOT NULL ,user_id integer NOT NULL REFERENCES user (id) MATCH FULL ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE RESTRICT ,post_type_id integer NOT NULL REFERENCES post_type (id) MATCH FULL ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE RESTRICT ,ctime timestamptz DEFAULT NOW() ,PRIMARY KEY(post_id, revision));CREATE TEMP TABLE post_state ( post_id integer NOT NULL ,revision integer NOT NULL ,assembly_seat_id integer NOT NULL REFERENCES assembly_seat (id) MATCH FULL ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE RESTRICT ,PRIMARY KEY(post_id, revision) ,FOREIGN KEY (post_id, revision) REFERENCES post (post_id, revision));Read the manual about foreign key constraints.I am using the name post_id for the primary key column of table post. Don't use id as column name. If you join a bunch of tables you end up with a bunch of columns all names id. Regrettably, some half-wit ORMs are in the habit of doing that.Alternatively, it might be better design to have unique post_id in table post and add a table post_revision with a n:1 relation to post. 这篇关于PostgreSQL中的外键匹配的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持! 上岸,阿里云!
08-03 22:48