

我遇到了与这个问题中所述相同的问题:我希望我的情节有背景来自本地 png 文件.

I have the same problem as stated in this question: I want my plot to have a background from a local png file.

使用 plotly 的示例(使用来自网络的图像)有效.

Using plotly's example, which uses an image from the web, works.


Using a path to my local image, with or without absolute path, does not work.


Encoding as per the answer to this other question does not help.

import base64
import os
import plotly.plotly as py
import plotly.graph_objs as go
from plotly.offline import download_plotlyjs, init_notebook_mode, plot, iplot

import numpy as np

trace1= go.Scatter(x=[0,0.5,1,2,2.2],y=[1.23,2.5,0.42,3,1])

with open(os.getcwd() + "/resources/office_map.png", "rb") as image_file:
    encoded_string = base64.b64encode(image_file.read()).decode()
# Add the prefix that plotly will want when using the string as source
encoded_image = "data:image/png;base64," + encoded_string

layout= go.Layout(
    title='My title',
    images= [dict(
        source= encoded_image,
        xref= "x",
        yref= "y",
        x= 0,
        y= 10,
        sizex= 744,
        sizey= 1052,
        sizing= "stretch",
        opacity= 0.5,
        layer= "below")])



How hard can it be to get a local image as background? How do you do it?


我需要阅读 imagesxy 参数> 字典.在测试编码解决方案之前,我已经更改了 y,图像出现在情节之外.多么愚蠢.将 y 设置为 3 可以修复它.

I needed to read about the x and y parameters of the images dictionary. I had changed the y before testing the encoding solution, and the image appeared way outside the plot. How silly. Setting y to 3 instead fixes it.


09-05 15:23