


I have an HTML audio tag and an HTML file input tag, as shown below. I'd like users to use the Upload File button to select a song from their computer, then play it using the audio tag.

<audio id="audio">
    <source src="" id="thesource" />
<input type="file" id="upload" title="Upload File" />


How do I let users upload audio files from their computer and play it? This must be done locally, as it is being used in a downloadable web app I am creating.


The original question I had was how to turn an image uploader that worked and was cross-browser into an audio uploader. Long ago, after lots of hard work and rediscovering past projects, I developed a way to do so. Now, nearly a year after I originally asked this question, I feel stupid for not realizing that answer earlier. I posted the answer down below for any people who also need this.


我原来说没有答案 - 我是错误。我找到了答案。

I originally said there was no answer -- I was wrong. I have found the answer.

function handleFiles(event) {
	var files = event.target.files;
	$("#rlly").attr("src", URL.createObjectURL(files[0]));

document.getElementById("rll").addEventListener("change", handleFiles, false);
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<input type="file" id="rll" />
<audio id="rllly" controls>
  <source src="" id="rlly" />

这正是我想要的 - 它允许上传任何音频文件并播放它。哇!我回答了自己的问题!尝试在代码段中上传计算机上的所有音乐。

This does exactly what I wanted -- it allows uploading of any audio file and plays it. Wow! I answered my own question! Try uploading any music on your computer in the snippet.


08-20 04:17