In certain problem I need to parse a Java source code fragment that is potentially incomplete. For example, the code can refer to variables that are not defined in such fragment.
In that case, I would still like to parse such incomplete Java code, transform it to a convenient inspectable representation, and being able to generate source code from such abstract representation.
这是什么工具?在中,我找到了使用Antlr,JavaCC或Eclipse JDT的建议。
但是,我没有找到关于处理不完整的Java源代码片段的任何参考,因此这个问题(此外,链接的问题还有两年多了,所以我想知道地图上是否有新内容) 。
What is the right tool for this ? In this post I found suggestions to use Antlr, JavaCC or the Eclipse JDT.However, I did not find any reference regarding dealing with incomplete Java source code fragments, hence this question (and in addition the linked question is more than two years old, so I am wondering if something new is on the map).
As an example, the code could be something like the following expression:
在这种情况下,我希望能够以某种方式检测到代码中引用了变量 aVarName
In that case, I would like to be able to somehow detect that the variable aVarName
is referenced in the code.
Uhm... This question does not have anything even vaguely like a simple answer. Any of the above parser technologies will allow you to do what you wish to do, if you write the correct grammar and manipulate the parser to do fallback parsing unknown token passover sort of things.
让你到达目的地的最少工作是要么使用具有可恢复解析的ANTLR并且附带一个相当完整的java 7语法,要么看看你可以从日食JDT中取出什么(使用的是在eclipse IDE中执行错误和意图符号以及语法高亮。)
The least amount of work to get you where you're going is either to use ANTLR which has resumable parsing and comes with a reasonably complete java 7 grammar, or see what you can pull out of the eclipse JDT ( which is used for doing the error and intention notations and syntax highlighting in the eclipse IDE. )
请注意,这些东西都不容易 - 你正在编写klocs,而不仅仅是导入一个班级,告诉它去。
Note that none of this stuff is easy -- you're writing klocs, not just importing a class and telling it to go.
At a certain point of incorrect/incompleteness all of these strategies will fail just because no computer ( or even person for that matter ) is able to discern what you mean unless you at least vaguely say it correctly.