本文介绍了如何在Angular 2中进行同步http调用的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



This question has already been asked here. However, since the asker's application context is involved too much in the question, I couldn't understand the basics. For example, there is a queryArr parameter. What does it do?


Anyway, I need a little bit of a guidance about how to make synchronous http calls in simplest way. The solution I came up with is that one has to subscribe to observables in a "nested" order. For example, there are observables ox and oy. Data of the request being called in oy is depended on the data comes from ox:

xData: string = "";
yData: string = "";

    data => {xData = data;},
    error => console.log(error),
    () => {
            data => {yData = xData*data;},
            error => console.log(error),
            () => console.log("aaa")


Last time I remember (I don't do javascript much, and am a little newbie), in the scope where I subscribed to oy, the xData or yData cannot be seen anymore. Please correct me and point me to the right direction if I am wrong.


Is there any "fine" solution or better way to do this kind of thing?



I think that you could have a look at the flatMap operator to execute an HTTP request, wait for its response and execute another one.


executeHttp(url) {
  return this.http.get(url).map(res => res.json());

executeRequests() {
  this.executeHttp('http://...').flatMap(result => {
    // result is the result of the first request
    return this.executeHttp('http://...');
  }).subscribe(result => {
    // result is the result of the second request


If you want to have access to both results in the subscribe method, you could leverage Observable.forkJoin and Observable.of:

executeRequests() {
  this.executeHttp('http://...').flatMap(result => {
    // result is the result of the first request
    return Observable.forkJoin(
    ).subscribe(results => {
    // results is an array of the results of all requests
    let result1 = results[0];
    let result2 = results[1];

这篇关于如何在Angular 2中进行同步http调用的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-19 17:12