In this post, I asked a small question as part of a bigger problem. Since I didn't get responses yet, I put my question here:
Is it reasonable to suppose that JUnit executes test cases sequentially: a test case ends befores the next one starts. Does it differ between JUnit versions (my priority is on JUnit4)? And if not, is there a simple way to force JUnit to execute tests sequentially?
Yes, by default I believe it runs tests sequentially.
JUnit 4.6引入了一个实验 ParallelRunner
并行运行测试 - 我不知道它的当前状态。我希望并行性默认仍然是选择加入功能。 (从其他答案来看,看起来现在这里仍然存在,但形式略有不同 - 仍然选择加入。)
JUnit 4.6 introduced an experimental ParallelRunner
to run tests in parallel - I don't know of its current status. I would expect parallelism to remain an "opt-in" feature by default though. (Judging by other answers, it looks like this is now here to stay but in a slightly different form - and still opt-in.)