In Google+, the button that is used to post a comment is made from a div:
<div role="button" id=":1vq.post" class="d-s-r tk3N6e-e tk3N6e-e-qc" aria-disabled="false" style="-webkit-user-select: none; " tabindex="0">Post comment</div>
。我发现 onclick
But it says that the element have no attribute click
. and I found that onclick
is null. So how could I click the button with JavaScript?
编辑:与wong2聊天后谁开始了这个问题和很多对这个问题的真实含义(这个问题编写得很糟糕)的猜测失败了,他们想要做的是写一个Greasemonkey用户脚本,让Enter键按下Google+流中的发表评论按钮。由于我还没有邀请加入Google+,我甚至看不到相关代码,所以我无能为力。这个问题不是要将与Google+相关的任何内容放在您自己的网站中 - 而是要尝试使用Greasemonkey在您自己的浏览器中修改Google网站的行为。
After a chat with wong2 who started this question and a lot of failed guesses for what this question is really about (the question is quite poorly written), what they are trying to do is to write a Greasemonkey userscript to make the enter key press the Post Comment button in Google+ streams. Since I don't have an invite into Google+ yet, I can't even see the relevant code so not much I can do. This question is not about putting anything related to Google+ in your own site - it's about trying to use Greasemonkey to modify the behavior of Google's site in your own browser.
id =:1vq.post不是合法的CSS ID名称。您不能在选择器名称中使用:字符。这会导致多个问题,因为它不仅不是合法字符,而且在CSS选择器语法中也是一个有意义的字符。所以,我看到你有两个问题。
id=":1vq.post" is not a legal CSS id name. You can't use the ":" character in a selector name. This causes multiple issues because not only is it not a legal character, but it's also a meaningful character in the CSS selector syntax. So, I see that you have two issues.
First, your selector logic is not working. Second, as others have said, you can't just assign to click in this way with plain javascript (e.g. no framework).
If you change your selector logic to work correctly, you can get it to work properly (using jQuery) like this:
<div role="button" id="aPost" class="d-s-r tk3N6e-e tk3N6e-e-qc" aria-disabled="false" style="-webkit-user-select: none; " tabindex="0">Post comment</div>
$("#aPost").click(function() {
alert("I was clicked.");
And, you can see it in action in this jsFiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/jfriend00/Yfnc7/. Click Run and then click on the Post Comment.