

我想从mtcars数据集中获取一列"mpg",并将其每个值除以1到100之间的数字.这将创建100个新列(每个除数为一列).列的名称应为"mpg_div_by_1","mpg_div_by_2","mpg_div_by_3".我想我在某处读到dplyr 1.0可以直接实现它,所以我不必编写循环.

I would like to take a column "mpg" from the mtcars dataset and divide each value of it by numbers from 1 to 100. This would create 100 new columns (one column per devisor). The names of the columns should be "mpg_div_by_1", "mpg_div_by_2", "mpg_div_by_3". I think I read somewhere that dplyr 1.0 could do it in a straightforward way so I dont have to write a loop.


我们可以在此处使用 map 变体.

We could use map variants here.


cols <- 1:5
map_dfc(cols, ~mtcars %>% transmute(!!paste0("mpg_div_by_", .x) := mpg / .x))

#   mpg_div_by_1 mpg_div_by_2 mpg_div_by_3 mpg_div_by_4 mpg_div_by_5
#1          21.0        10.50     7.000000        5.250         4.20
#2          21.0        10.50     7.000000        5.250         4.20
#3          22.8        11.40     7.600000        5.700         4.56
#4          21.4        10.70     7.133333        5.350         4.28
#5          18.7         9.35     6.233333        4.675         3.74

要将其添加到原始数据帧中,我们可以使用 bind_cols :

To add it to original dataframes we can use bind_cols :

map_dfc(cols, ~mtcars %>% transmute(!!paste0("mpg_div_by_", .x) := mpg / .x)) %>%
      bind_cols(mtcars, .)


This is much simpler in base R :

mtcars[paste0("mpg_div_by_", cols)] <- lapply(cols, function(x) mtcars$mpg / x)


09-25 14:53