


I am working on an android sms application.I can send sms to single contact by using the following code.

sms.sendTextMessage(phoneNumber, null, message, sentPI, deliveredPI);


Now I want to send sms to multicontacts.Some suggest to use loop.SO now I am using loops to send sms to multicontact.


After sending each sms I write those values to sent table.

 ContentValues values = new ContentValues();
    values.put("address", mobNo);
    values.put("body", msg);
    getContentResolver().insert(Uri.parse("content://sms/sent"), values);

每一个新的地址将创建一个新的线程ID。例如,如果我接收者的地址是x,那么线程ID 1,y的线程ID 2.And如果我想发送短信到X和Y,那么我该怎么写短信/发送表。如果我用的循环,那么就不会创建任何新的线程ID,因为发送地址X已经有了线程ID 1和y已经有线程ID 2.So消息将列在线程ID 1和2从不创建一个新的线程ID。

Every new address will create a new thread id.For example if my receiver's address is x, then thread id 1, for y thread id 2.And if I want to send sms to both x and y ,then how can I write in to sms/sent table.If I use Loop,then it won't create any new thread id, because send address x already have thread id 1 and y already have thread id 2.So messages will listed under thread id 1 and 2 never creates a new thread id.


values.put("thread_id", 33);


But then the messages under new thread id do not listed in default app but in my app.



I tried using 0, and then reading the thread_id that was generated, then place the next sms with this thread_id, still doesn't works.


您需要创建一个新的的thread_id 手动,一个正常的 contentResolver.insert (...)不会为多个收件人的邮件做。要创建新的的thread_id 您查询以下URI

You need to create a new thread_id manually, a normal contentResolver.insert(...) won't do for multiple recipient messages. To create the new thread_id you query the following uri

内容:// MMS,SMS /线程标识


and to it append the necessary recipients so that finally it looks like this

内容:// MMS,SMS /主题ID收件人= 9808&放大器;收件人= 8808

所以,完整的例子是这样的。说出收件人 9808 8808

So the full example would look like this. Say the recipients are 9808 and 8808

Uri threadIdUri = Uri.parse('content://mms-sms/threadID');
Uri.Builder builder = threadIdUri.buildUpon();
String[] recipients = {"9808","8808"};
for(String recipient : recipients){
    builder.appendQueryParameter("recipient", recipient);
Uri uri = builder.build();

现在,您可以以正常的方式查询 URI ,这会给你一个的thread_id ,您可以使用指定的收件人,它会创建一个新的ID,如果不存在,或者返回现有之一。

Now you can query uri in the normal way and this will give you a thread_id that you can use for the recipients specified, it will create a new id if one doesn't exist or return an existing one.

Long threadId = 0;
Cursor cursor = getContentResolver().query(uri, new String[]{"_id"}, null, null, null);
if (cursor != null) {
    try {
        if (cursor.moveToFirst()) {
            threadId = cursor.getLong(0);
    } finally {

现在使用 threadId的插入您的短信。

Now use threadId to insert your SMSs.


不要使用此 threadId的插入一个收件人消息或者 9908 8808 ,为每个新的thread_id或只是做了一个插入没有指定的thread_id

Do not use this threadId to insert single recipient messages for either 9908 or 8808, create a new thread_id for each or just do an insert without specifying the thread_id.

另外,要非常小心与 builder.appendQueryParameter(...)部分,确保关键是收件人,而不是收件人,如果你使用收件人它仍然会工作,但你总是会得到同样的的thread_id 和您的所有短信将结束在一个线程。

Also, be very careful with the builder.appendQueryParameter(...) part, make sure the key is recipient and not recipients, if you use recipients it will still work but you will always get the same thread_id and all your SMSs will end up in one thread.


08-01 14:45