Listed here on the mysqli documentation site, one of the comments says
也是该版本的mysqli 创建的链接无法停用", 并将继续积累 处理内存,直到PHP服务器或 进程实际上已重新启动 要求mysqli.max_links = -1.
Also as of this version, mysqli created links cannot be "deactivated", and will continue to accumulate in process memory until the PHP server or process is restarted, essentially making mysqli.max_links = -1 required.
Could someone explain what this means, and if mysqli.max_links should be set, how so, and if i should be using mysqli_kill();
I don't found that rational, mysql can be connected via socket on localhost
在实际关闭连接之前杀死线程将使连接保持打开状态!并且取决于您的max_connections和max_user_connections(默认情况下相同),这可能会导致显示" * *用户已达到最大连接数"消息.
Killing the thread before actually closing the connection will leave the connection open! And depending on your max_connections and max_user_connections (by default the same), this could result in a "Max connections reached for ** user" message.
来自: http://www.php.net/manual/zh/mysqli.kill.php
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