Hi , Is it possible to install HDInsight on prem , may be single node installation in my local machine for training purposes? If so , is there a container image that will make things easier?
我希望您是Azure HDInsight的新手。
I hope you are new to Azure HDInsight.
您无法在本地安装HDInsight,因为Azure HDInsight是一种针对企业的托管,全频谱,开源分析服务。 HDInsight是一项云服务,可以轻松,快速,经济高效地处理大量数据。
Azure HDInsight允许您在不到几分钟的时间内通过几次鼠标点击在Azure云上配置Hadoop集群。如果你要自己设置Hadoop,你必须得到硬件,设置你的Hadoop集群,监控集群,你自己的所有
You cannot install HDInsight on-premise because Azure HDInsight is a managed, full-spectrum, open-source analytics service for enterprises. HDInsight is a cloud service that makes it easy, fast, and cost-effective to process massive amounts of data. Azure HDInsight lets you provision a Hadoop cluster on Azure cloud, with just a few mouse clicks, in less than few mins. If you were to set up Hadoop on your own, you would have to get the hardware, set up your Hadoop clusters, monitor the cluster, everything on your own.
Once you have your HDInsight cluster set up, you can run your jobs/applications on the cluster, just like you would have run those on your local Hadoop cluster. There are a few differences though, which we can go into detail later.
首先,您可以通过 Azure HDInsight文档。这使您可以很好地了解从何处入手以及如何充分了解HDInsight。
To start with, you can go through Azure HDInsight Documentation. This gives you a good picture of where to start and how to get a good understanding of HDInsight.