

我想使用原始TCP将事件发送到Kaa平台,并且我不想为此使用生成的SDK,所以我想问问有什么办法吗?在哪里可以找到不使用SDK手动使用Kaa TCP协议的文档.预先感谢

I want to send events to Kaa platform using raw TCP and I don't want to use generated SDK for this, so I want to ask is there any way for doing this ?And where can I find the documentation for using Kaa TCP protocol manually without SDK.Thanks in advance



Short answer: no, you can't do this.

关于 KaaTCP协议的规范,该规范负责传输和二进制平台协议(还有基于Avro的平台协议),它负责序列化 Kaa服务.您可以尝试自己实现该协议,也可以根据需要但自定义实现,在 GitHub 上重用和调整现有代码.需要很多努力.

There is a specification on KaaTCP protocol responsible for transport and Binary platform protocol (there is also Avro-based platform protocol) which responsible for serializing Kaa services. You can try to implement this protocols by yourself or reuse and adjust existed code on GitHub for your needs but custom realization takes a lot of effort.


In release 1.0.0 planned to implement an ability to communicate with the server without generated SDK just via REST or popular IoT protocols such as CoAP or MQTT.


09-11 08:11