


Currently I am working on a project in which I need to use memcached. I have researched through a lot of web links but I do not understand how to get started with memcached. I have already worked with mongodb but would like help with configuration of memcached.

我使用Windows 7操作系统,并使用至今以下链接。

I am using windows 7 operating system and have used the following links so far.



Well, finally I got the answer...


I have gone through more then 50 link related to memcache,the best and only link which give you how to implement memcache in your project is


and for theoretical knowledge please refer the link below



I have created the small document have a look before you start memcache

        /// difference between set and add and replace

        /// add property do not use to add key which is already exist in memcache
        /// set use to overwite the key if that is already exist in memcache
        /// if key already exist ,replace property can replace it other wise not,where else set property use to replace if key already exist other wise it will add new key in the memcache

        /// if u are fetching the key which do not exist in memcache it will return null,as well if u are fetching the key whose value is null in memcache it will return null
        /// so avoid inserting the key with null value
        ///If you simply want to avoid key collision between different types of data, simply prefix your key with a useful string. For example: "slash_1", "pradeep_1".  
        /// FlushAll() method use to remove(Flush) every thing from memcache
        /// Stats() gives every information about the memcache like total items,connections,pId etc.....

        /// difference between increment, decrement
        /// to use Increment or Decrement first u need to store counter by StoreCounter method else u will get null

        /// difference between GetMultiple and GetMultipleArray
        ///GetMultiple gives you the object with there key and GetMultipleArray gives you the object not the key


10-29 02:27