


I know that redis will expire the keys on its own, freeing the memoryand was wondering if memcached would behave the same.

假设我有一种非常很少过期的缓存键(我们称它们为A),另一种则每5分钟过期一次,使用Ruby on Rails的expires_in: 5.minutes(我们称它们为B)

Let's say I have a kind of cache keys that are expired very rarely(we'll call them A), and another kind that expires every 5 minutes,using Ruby on Rails' expires_in: 5.minutes (we'll call them B)


Will memcached drop the A keys if there are too many B keys ?


For instance if I can store 5 values in my store, a scenario could be:

  • 存储A1(还剩4个值)
  • 存储B1(还剩3个值)
  • 存储B2(还剩2个值)
  • 存储B3(还剩1个值)
  • 存储B4(剩余0个值)


At this point B1, B2 and B3 are expired (because their lifecycle is soshort).


What happens if I store another element in the cache ? Will it drop A1since it's the oldest, or will it know that B keys are short lived anduse their spot in the memory first ?


Memcached使用LRU(最近最少使用)机制来确定当要存​​储的对象数量多于可用空间时,哪些现有对象将到期.您可以进一步参考以下链接以了解其密钥到期机制: http://docs.oracle.com /cd/E17952_01/refman-5.6-en/ha-memcached-using-expiry.html

Memcached uses LRU (Least recently used) mechanism to determine which existing objects to expire when there are more number of objects to be stored than the space available. You can further refer to the following link to understand its mechanism for key expiry :http://docs.oracle.com/cd/E17952_01/refman-5.6-en/ha-memcached-using-expiry.html


10-25 05:57