

如果我有字符串表示IP地址(IPv4或IPv6),我该如何创建 ServerSocket 和绑定到这个IP而不关心IP是否传入,是IPv4还是IPv6?

我看到有一个构造函数: ServerSocket(int port,int backlog,InetAddress bindAddr)的InetAddress 似乎没有提供任何构造函数和它的子类必须特定于IPv4和IPv6的名字。点击

If I have a String representing an IP address (IPv4 or IPv6) how can I create a ServerSocket and bind to this IP without caring if the IP passed in, is IPv4 or IPv6?
I see that there is a constructor:ServerSocket(int port, int backlog, InetAddress bindAddr) but InetAddress does not seem to offer any constructors and its subclasses have names specific to IPv4 and IPv6.
So how can I bind the socket to the IP?



You can use the factory method INetAddress.getByName. It'll figure out which subclass to use. For example:

InetAddress addr = InetAddress.getByName("");
// or
InetAddress addr = InetAddress.getByName("::1");

// and now you can pass it to your socket-constructor
ServerSocket sock = new ServerSocket(1234, 50, addr);


09-21 19:33