本文介绍了Windows SmartScreen警告的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧! 问题描述 我们使用sha1和EV签署我们的应用程序,最近,我们更改了sha1标志 证书,万岁出现  为什么,我们已经使用EV签署了我们的应用程序, here  表示它不需要  建立的声誉。 解决方案 Hello  bye-tyrael, >>> 我们用sha1和EV签署我们的应用程序,最近,我们更改了sha1标志 证书,变形出现  您是说在更改sha1标志证书之前您的应用运行没有问题?如果你的sha1标志证书有什么变化是真的吗? 有一个类似的问题:" Windows Smartscreen自2016年以来未能检测到我的应用程序发布者,尽管它已经像以前一样签名并且曾经工作过" 所以我想和你确认一下: 你使用SHA1代替SHA2吗? 你的应用是什么类型的? UWP,win32? 你的Windows版本是什么? 祝你好运, Rita we sign our app with sha1 and EV,recently, we have changed our sha1 sign  certificate ,the wanning appear why ,we have signed our app with EV,here said it don't need to establishes its reputation. 解决方案 Hello bye-tyrael,>>>we sign our app with sha1 and EV,recently, we have changed our sha1 sign  certificate ,the wanning appear Do you mean your app running with no issue before change the sha1 sign certificate? If it is true what have you changed of your sha1 sign certificate?There is a similar issue: "Windows Smartscreen fails to detect my application's publisher since 2016, although it is signed as before and used to work"So I want to confirm with you:You use SHA1 instead of SHA2 right?What's kind of your app? UWP, win32?What's your Windows version?Best regards,Rita 这篇关于Windows SmartScreen警告的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!
10-28 12:30