


I have a large and "unique" integer (actually a SHA1 hash).

注意: SHA1哈希,这不是加密/安全性问题!我不是试图破坏SHA1。想象一下,如果有一个随机的160位整数而不是SHA1,那会有所帮助。

Note: While I'm talking here about SHA1 hashes, this is not a cryptography / security question! I'm not trying to break SHA1. Imagine a random 160-bit integer instead of SHA1 if that will help.


I want (for no other reason than to have fun) to find an algorithm to map that SHA1 hash to a computer-generated (pseudo-)English phrase. The mapping should be bidirectional (i.e., knowing the algorithm, one must be able to calculate the original SHA1 hash from that phrase.)

该短语没有任何意义。我什至会废话整段。 (尽管段落的质量(英文)可能比仅使用一个短语要好。)

The phrase need not make sense. I would even settle for a whole paragraph of nonsense. (Though quality — englishness — of a paragraph should probably be better than for a mere phrase.)


A better algorithm would produce shorter, more natural-looking, more unique phrases.


A variation: it is OK if I will be able to work only with a part of hash. Say, first six hex digits is fine.

生成的短语的可能用法:Git commit ID的人类可读版本,用作给定程序的座右铭版本,从该提交构建。 (正如我说的那样,这是很有趣。我并没有声称这是非常实用的,或者比SHA1本身更具可读性。)

The possible usage of the generated phrase: the human readable version of Git commit ID, to use as a motto for a given program version, which is built from that commit. (As I said, this is "for fun". I don't claim that this is very practical — or be much more readable than the SHA1 itself.)


现在,我我正在考虑再次尝试解决问题。有关如何处理此问题的任何建议? 您认为马尔可夫链方法可以在这里工作吗?

Now I'm thinking about attempting to solve the problem once again. Any advice on how to approach this? Do you think Markov chain approach can work here? Something else?



A very simple approach would be: Take list of say 1024 nouns, 1024 verbs and 1024 adjectives each. Your phrase could then be sentence of the form

noun[bits_01-10] verb[bits11-20] adjective[bits21-30] verb[bits31-40],
noun[bits_41-50] verb[bits51-60] adjective[bits61-70] verb[bits71-80],
noun[bits_81-90] verb[bits91-100] adjective[bits101-110] verb[bits111-120] and 
noun[bits_121-130] verb[bits131-140] adjective[bits141-150] verb[bits151-160].


With a bit more linguistic thought you can probably construct slightly more complicated ad thus not so repetitive looking sentences (say, a bit for singular / plural, a bit of two for different tenses,...). Longer word lists use up a few more bits but my guess is that you reach rather exotic words quite fast.


10-20 15:34