


On netlify I get the following error when deploying

10:12:15 PM: Algolia: 1 queries to index
10:12:16 PM: Algolia: query 0: executing query
10:12:16 PM: Algolia: query 0: graphql resulted in 230 records
10:12:16 PM: Algolia: query 0: splitting in 1 jobs
10:12:16 PM: error failed to index to Algolia
10:12:16 PM: 
10:12:16 PM: 
10:12:16 PM:   TypeError: Cannot read property 'addObjects' of undefined
10:12:16 PM:   
10:12:16 PM:   - gatsby-node.js:161 
10:12:16 PM:     [repo]/[gatsby-plugin-algolia]/gatsby-node.js:161:43
10:12:16 PM:   
10:12:16 PM:   - Array.map
10:12:16 PM:   
10:12:16 PM:   - gatsby-node.js:160 doQuery
10:12:16 PM:     [repo]/[gatsby-plugin-algolia]/gatsby-node.js:160:30
10:12:16 PM:   
10:12:16 PM:   - async Promise.all
10:12:16 PM:   
10:12:16 PM:   - gatsby-node.js:187 async Object.exports.onPostBuild
10:12:16 PM:     [repo]/[gatsby-plugin-algolia]/gatsby-node.js:187:5
10:12:16 PM:   
10:12:16 PM: 
10:12:16 PM: not finished onPostBuild - 1.338s

但是当我执行gatsby build时,我得到以下信息

But when I do gatsby build I get the following

Algolia: 1 queries to index
Algolia: query 0: executing query
Algolia: query 0: graphql resulted in 230 records
Algolia: query 0: splitting in 1 jobs
Algolia: query 0: moving copied index to main index
⠼ onPostBuild
info Generated public/sw.js, which will precache 9 files, totaling 446903 bytes.
The following pages will be precached:
success onPostBuild - 6.228s

完成gatsby serve后,我发现在搜索栏中通过查询键入内容时,我的帖子结果很好.但是,每当我单击某个帖子时,都会链接到一个奇怪的根目录,例如0.0.7.226/post-name.

After doing gatsby serve I see that I can see my posts results fine as I type through queries in the searchbar. However, whenever I click on a post, I get linked to a strange root such as


I recently uninstalled all node modules and reinstalled to make sure my dependencies are up to date. What is getting me this error?

我的 github


已更新netlify上的env变量以成功部署网站,但0.0.7.226/post-name url仍然存在

Updated the env variables on netlify to successfully deploy the website but the url persists


09-26 18:49