


I'd like to have constructor chain in Java. For example, with the first constructor I have a string as a parameter, and call the second constructor as I create an object from the parameter string.

public class IMethodFinder {
    public IMethodFinder(String projectName, String methodName,
        int numberOfParameters) {
        IProject project = ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().getRoot().getProject(projectName);
        IJavaProject javaProject = JavaCore.create(project);
        this(javaProject, methodName, numberOfParameters);

    public IMethodFinder(IJavaProject javaProject, String methodName,
        int numberOfParameters) {


However, I got an error "Constructor call must be the first statement in a constructor" error.



I made a common code that is shared between the two constructors, but I'm not sure this is the only solution to bypass the issue.

public class IMethodFinder {
    public IMethodFinder(IJavaProject javaProject, String methodName,
            int numberOfParameters) {
        dosomething(javaProject, methodName, numberOfParameters);

    public IMethodFinder(String projectName, String methodName,
            int numberOfParameters) {
        IProject project = ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().getRoot().getProject(projectName);
        IJavaProject javaProject = JavaCore.create(project);
        dosomething(javaProject, methodName, numberOfParameters);

    private void dosomething(IJavaProject javaProject, String methodName,
            int numberOfParameters)


  • 为什么Java需要构造函数调用第一条语句?

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  • 推荐答案

    Java没有内在的原因,无法扩展为允许在构造函数之前访问 this 。但是,这将增加语言的复杂性和使用时掩盖代码(特别是当你认为调用可能是隐式的)。

    There is no intrinsic reason why Java could not be extended to allow statements that do not access this before the constructor. However, that would add to the language complexity and obscure the code when used (particularly when you consider the call may be implicit).

    通常你想保持构造函数简单尽可能。 init()方法是一个坏主意,因为它们阻止使用 final 。看起来代码正在访问一个可变的静态,这是一个很糟糕的主意。

    Generally you want to keep constructors as simple as possible. init() methods are a bad idea as they prevent the use of final. It appears that the code is accessing a mutable static which is a really bad idea.


    For your specific code, you can write:

        public IMethodFinder(String projectName, String methodName,
            int numberOfParameters) {


    A more general hack is to call a static method within the call to the constructor:

    public class IMethodFinder {
        public IMethodFinder(String projectName, String methodName,
            int numberOfParameters) {
            this(createProject(projectName), methodName, numberOfParameters);
        public IMethodFinder(IJavaProject javaProject, String methodName,
            int numberOfParameters) {
        private static IJavaProject createProject(String projectName) {
            IProject project = ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().getRoot().getProject(projectName);
            IJavaProject javaProject = JavaCore.create(project);
            return javaProject;


08-19 11:38