我需要将git repo克隆到现有目录( $ HOME
,用于管理点文件).我正在进行裸克隆并重新配置它,因为我需要克隆到现有的 unclean 工作目录中.它有效,但是我发现 git status
I need to clone a git repo into an existing directory ($HOME
, for managing dotfiles). I'm doing a bare clone and reconfiguring it because I need to clone into an existing unclean working directory. It works, however I find that git status
tries to run filters on first use. Why does it do that and how can I prevent it?
# create a test repo
mkdir test && cd test
git init
echo hello > hello.txt
git add .
git commit -m 1
echo 'hello.txt filter=foo diff=bar' > .gitattributes
git add .
git commit -m 2
# clone it bare and configure it
mkdir ../test2 && cd ../test2
git clone --bare ../test .git
git config core.bare false
git config core.logallrefupdates true
git reset
git checkout .
git config filter.foo.clean foo
git config filter.foo.smudge foo
git config diff.bar.textconv bar
$ git status
error: cannot run foo: No such file or directory
error: cannot fork to run external filter 'foo'
error: external filter 'foo' failed
On branch master
nothing to commit, working tree clean
$ git status
On branch master
nothing to commit, working tree clean
此外,最初快速连续多次执行 git status
(即 git status; git status; git status)
Also, initially doing git status
multiple times in quick succession (i.e. git status; git status; git status)
can yield multiple failures. Sometimes.
As far as I can confirm by much reading, the filters should only run when checking files in and out.
那么为什么 git status
The idea that filters only run during checkin/checkout is something of a white lie. It's meant to make filters more explicable.
和-path =
选项请求时)git show git cat-file
和 git hash-object
:其中一些是直接从存储库到stdout或从stdin到存储库的过渡.这主要是等同于签入/签出时间.但是由于索引的缓存方面, git status
In fact, though, filters run when moving files between the index and work-tree (and also, in sufficiently modern versions of Git, when requested with --path=
options in git show
and git cat-file
and git hash-object
as well: some of these are transitions directly from repository to stdout, or stdin to repository). This is mostly equivalent to checkin/checkout time. But git status
has special dispensation as well, due to the cache aspect of the index.
出于性能方面的考虑,Git想知道工作树中的任何文件相对于索引中的版本是否可能是脏"的.Git假定 stat
值 st_mtime
时间比索引条目中保存的 st_mtime
For performance reasons, Git wants to know whether any file in the work-tree might be "dirty" with respect to the version in the index. Git assumes that the stat
value st_mtime
, which typically has one-second resolution, can be used for this purpose: if the st_mtime
time of the file—the work-tree entry—is older than a saved st_mtime
in an index entry, then the index entry is up to date and is "clean": what's in the index matches what's in the work-tree, after applying clean filters etc.
If the time stamp of the work-tree entry is newer than the saved index entry, then the file has definitely been modified: the index entry may be out of date. It's not guaranteed out of date, as the work-tree file may have been modified in a way that ultimately made no change. But it's clearly necessary to run the clean filter (and any CR/LF line ending hackery).
If the two time stamps are the same, the work-tree entry is indeterminate. (Git calls this "racily clean" although "racily dirty" would be equally accurate.)
在所有这些情况下, git status
In all these cases, git status
will run the clean filter (and any input-to-Git direction CR/LF modifications) over the work-tree file to compute a new hash. If the new hash matches the index hash, Git can and will update the index entry to mark the file as "actually clean". Now, the next time you do something, Git won't have to run the clean filter.
除非,即是在 st_mtime
Unless, that is, you do it all within the resolution of the st_mtime
stat field. In that case, the index entry winds up "racily clean" and Git has to try again. This is what you are observing here.
(顺便说一下,注意 git status
运行两个差异:一个从 HEAD
(Note, by the way, that git status
runs two diffs: one from HEAD
to index, and one from index to work-tree. It's that second diff that benefits hugely from the cache aspect of the index. The index can now also store information about uncached files and directories, too!)
某些 stat
Some stat
calls give sub-second precision, but for various reasons, the index / cache entry only stores the 1-second resolution time stamp anyway, normally.
有关(更多)详细信息,请参见技术文档中的 racy-git.txt
For (much) more on this, see the racy-git.txt
file in the technical documentation.
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