本文介绍了以编程方式/通过API创建Drupal CCK内容的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我正在与Drupal 6.x系统一起创建锻炼/个人培训计划,并且正在将CCK与锻炼和计划的内容类型一起使用,其中计划包含一些标题字段和对锻炼的节点引用列表它包括。这很好用,我可以手动创建效果很好的程序。现在,我希望创建一个模块,该模块可以根据我开发的多种算法自动生成这些程序,该过程将类似于:

I am working with a Drupal 6.x system to create exercise / personal training programmes, and am using the CCK with content types of Exercise and Programme, where Programme contains a few header fields and a list of node references to the exercises it consists of. This works great and I can manually create programmes which work fine. I now wish to create a module which can generate these programs automatically based on a number of algorithms I have developed, the process will look like:

  1. 将所有练习加载到数组中

  2. 加载用户的个人信息(先前输入)

  3. 建立最合适的练习

  4. 创建新的程序内容类型

  5. 保存程序

  1. Load all exercises into array
  2. Load users personal info (entered previously)
  3. Establish best suited exercises
  4. Create new programme content type
  5. Save programme


An Exercise has a number of related attributes and although I could do all of the above using SQL directly into the tables it would be quite complex and doesn't feel right. I would like in step 1 to load the exercises as an array of Exercise objects (node_load?), and then create a programme object and save. Is this OO type approach possible or do I have to resort to manipulating the data directly?



执行node_load($ nid)步骤2您可以使用user_load ($ uid)
步骤4/5我将创建一个新的$ node = stdClass();对象并使用正确的数据填充属性,然后从node_save($ node)执行;

Step 1 you can do node_load($nid) on all the excerciesStep 2 you can use user_load($uid)Step 3 you'll need to iterate through the user object and match up to the appropriate excercies.Step 4/5 I'd create a new $node = stdClass(); object and populate the attributes with the correct data then perfrom a node_save($node); this will assign it a $node->id etc.

如果不确定训练程序节点中的属性是什么,则执行print_r($ node);在您已经创建的一个上。

If your unsure on what attributes are in your training program node, then do a print_r($node); on one you've created already.


这篇关于以编程方式/通过API创建Drupal CCK内容的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-22 23:48